If you think of it, be praying for Kaitlyn as she is here previewing. The college decision is not an easy one, as I quickly learned about this time last year. Be praying that God makes it clear to her where He wants her to be.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
busy weekend
Praise the Lord! He has helped me through this week tremendously. As far as I know, all of my big projects (at least for this week) and assignments are complete. Tomorrow I have Coffee House, and then the Spring Music Festival is this weekend. It should be a busy, yet good weekend. My reward for finishing my homework this afternoon was making my welcome sign for my previewer coming tomorrow!

If you think of it, be praying for Kaitlyn as she is here previewing. The college decision is not an easy one, as I quickly learned about this time last year. Be praying that God makes it clear to her where He wants her to be.
If you think of it, be praying for Kaitlyn as she is here previewing. The college decision is not an easy one, as I quickly learned about this time last year. Be praying that God makes it clear to her where He wants her to be.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
the recipe for life
This was featured on my friend's parents site, and I wanted to share it.
"The Recipe For Life
Family friend Jim Besaw wrote this for English class...pretty perceptive for an infinitely-distractable-hyperactive-frizzy-haired-skinny-jeans-wearing-Christian-math-core-hippy-freak 17-year-old.
The Recipe For Life
by Jim Besaw
Add 3 tsp of Energy, 1 cup of Joy and 2 parents beautifully in love. Let sit for 3 years, then slowly add 2 pinches of curiosity, 5 scoops of adventure, a handful of “I told you so moments” and 4 rancid rotten rebellions. Mix this well for about 5 years and your mixture should begin to turn a soft “know it all” shade.Add 2 tablespoons of questions and continue stirring. Once the mixture has become a soft ball of adolescence, you should roll 13 to 14 small balls of hormones onto a tray of conflict. Bake these on a temperature of about “the flaming fury that your parents feel as they find out you’ve borrowed the car to go to your boyfriend's/girlfriend's house”. Once they turn a golden shade of wisdom, you should take them out and let them cool off until they are hard and or firm from the hardships of life. Finally they are ready to be frosted with a life well spent with the ones you love."
"The Recipe For Life
Family friend Jim Besaw wrote this for English class...pretty perceptive for an infinitely-distractable-hyperactive-frizzy-haired-skinny-jeans-wearing-Christian-math-core-hippy-freak 17-year-old.
The Recipe For Life
by Jim Besaw
Add 3 tsp of Energy, 1 cup of Joy and 2 parents beautifully in love. Let sit for 3 years, then slowly add 2 pinches of curiosity, 5 scoops of adventure, a handful of “I told you so moments” and 4 rancid rotten rebellions. Mix this well for about 5 years and your mixture should begin to turn a soft “know it all” shade.Add 2 tablespoons of questions and continue stirring. Once the mixture has become a soft ball of adolescence, you should roll 13 to 14 small balls of hormones onto a tray of conflict. Bake these on a temperature of about “the flaming fury that your parents feel as they find out you’ve borrowed the car to go to your boyfriend's/girlfriend's house”. Once they turn a golden shade of wisdom, you should take them out and let them cool off until they are hard and or firm from the hardships of life. Finally they are ready to be frosted with a life well spent with the ones you love."
Friday, March 26, 2010
yay for good news
Check out ABC's new website: abc.edu
Some other super duper exciting news is that I will be getting a double major! My first major with be in Bible and Theology, and my second major will be on (obviously) Elementary Education! Before, I would have been getting my major in Bible and Theology and my minor in Elementary Education, even though I was doing the same requirements any other school requires for a major in Elementary Education. So selfishly, it is nice to receive the credit for the hard work I am putting in. Also, it will look better on my reseme that I have a major in el ed, instead of just a minor (though I would have, and still will be certified, so that is ultimately what matters). But anyways, I am super excited about this new thing ABC is doing and I just can't contain it! You can read more about this exciting addition here.
Don't forget to check out the new website, and especially the Virtual Tour. You can see where I go to school- hooray!
Some other super duper exciting news is that I will be getting a double major! My first major with be in Bible and Theology, and my second major will be on (obviously) Elementary Education! Before, I would have been getting my major in Bible and Theology and my minor in Elementary Education, even though I was doing the same requirements any other school requires for a major in Elementary Education. So selfishly, it is nice to receive the credit for the hard work I am putting in. Also, it will look better on my reseme that I have a major in el ed, instead of just a minor (though I would have, and still will be certified, so that is ultimately what matters). But anyways, I am super excited about this new thing ABC is doing and I just can't contain it! You can read more about this exciting addition here.
Don't forget to check out the new website, and especially the Virtual Tour. You can see where I go to school- hooray!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Upcoming Events
It is the end of the semester and life is beginning to get a little hectic. In the hecticness (yes, I just made up a word), God has been reminding me who He is to me. He is a friend of mine, and has given me the privilege of talking to Him in prayer. I have also been encouraged by this gorgeous weather we have been having. Finally, this morning God reminded me of just how blessed I am that He revealed Himself to me. Those who don't know the Lord are blinded (Matthew 13:14, 15), and can't see the Truth. It is only through the work of the Holy Spirit that they see again. Praise God for letting me see Him and having my life saved by Him.
With the end of spring semester comes many events. Here are some of the events going on in my life and on my calender within the next several weeks:
"but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles;they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." -Isaiah 40:31
With the end of spring semester comes many events. Here are some of the events going on in my life and on my calender within the next several weeks:
- 3.25 Tour at a local school @ 11am
- 3.25 John Mark Conaway and Tony Glass Senior Recital at 7pm
- 3.25 Wing Fling (?) at Bob Evan's at 8pm
- 3.31 Day of Prayer (no classes in the morning)
- 3.31 IMPACT counselor's meeting at 12pm
- 3.31 Lisa's Bridal Shower at 9pm
- 4.1 Coffee House at 8pm
- 4.1-4.3 Spring Preview (not sure yet if I have any previewers)
- 4.2 & 4.3 Spring Music Festival at 7 pm
- 4.10 Diakonos "Rail to Trail" clean-up at 9am
- 4.23-4.24 Impact 2010
- 4.29 Study Day :)
- 4.30 Work Day and All School Picnic
- 5.3-5.5 Final Exams
- 5.8 Tim and Beth's Graduation
"but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles;they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." -Isaiah 40:31
Thursday, March 18, 2010
My Mom's a Great Mom!
I thought it took lots of pictures while observing, and technically I had, but my camera had been acting up, and not all of the pictures I took, made it to my laptop. I thought what I had would suffice, but when I got back and started working on it again, I realized I needed some more pictures. I emailed Mom, knowing she would be at school on Wednesday for piano lessons, and asked for her to take some pictures of some specific things while she was in. I didn't hear back from her, so was a little worried she hadn't gotten my email. I also wasn't sure if it would just be an inconvenience, so I didn't say anything. Last night though, I got eight emails from my mom, containing the pictures I had asked for, plus more! Let me share some more of them!
[pictures removed for space]
The students are working on a Polar section. Here are some of the bulletin boards that correlated with this topic.
[pictures removed for space]
This is a reading igloo made out of gallon milk jugs. While I was there last week, it was not finished, so it is exciting to see it completed.
This is the lovely 1st and 2nd Grade who I grew to love in just one week. They are a great bunch of students. Mrs. McGee is an awesome teacher, and the kids love her. Mrs. Merrill constantly works so hard to have things ready ahead of time, and serves as a great aid.
Thanks Mom, for all of these great pictures!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Miss Hewitt
There is a reason colleges plan breaks for when they do--they know we need one! I am at the end of my first ever spring break. I rode home with a lady who goes to my church in WV, and stopped overnight at Aunt Dar and Uncle Reg's in NJ. My parents and Sarah met me there, and we had a wonderful stay with these dear friends. We got home Saturday evening and I was able to go to Ira for church on Sunday. It was so good to be back where I grew up and spend some time catching up with old friends at church. I helped mom with Sunday School which was a lot of fun as well. As always, Sunday was a lot of fun, between church and then a tasty lunch around the table with my family.
A requirement to graduate is a class called Classroom Field Study 1. This class is strictly an observation class, and it is done for five consecutive days (all day), in a Christian School. I took advantage of being home, and observed at RACS (the Christian school Sarah currently goes to, and I used to go to). I observed in the 1st and 2nd grade (combined) classroom, and absolutely loved it. I worked with Mrs.McGee on Monday and Tuesday. I couldn't have asked for a better hostess. I learned so much from watching her, but she didn't stop my learning there. She would pull me aside before or after a lesson and explain to me why she was doing what had done/would do.
I had many responsibilities for this week, which was actually a good thing. Some of my classmates just had to sit in the back of the room and observe, which would be so boring and tiring (in an odd way). Instead, I was almost constantly interacting with these children and getting to do what I love to do- teach! Mrs.McGee allowed me to do a Bible lesson on Tuesday (I read a book about creation), and one on Thursday (I taught the story of Ruth), and this was such a joy. I also got to give the 1st graders a spelling test on Friday, what a chatty group they were (they haven't gotten the concept quite yet on how you don't talk when you are taking a test).
Also on Friday, I got to work one-on-one with a girl who had missed a day due to being sick. I got to face the challenge of teaching her this new material in a way she would understand. Praise the Lord, I think she understood the material she had missed by the time she walked away from the table. On Monday, Mrs. McGee told me that I could do a bulletin board, and by Friday I had done it (see picture below). It was especially fun because I got to use Mrs. Lind's Cricut machine. Another one of my responsibilities was monitoring the 3rd-6th grade recess. I feared I wouldn't have the respect of these kids, because well, some of them are literally bigger then I am. But again, I watched God put that fear to ease, and I couldn't have asked more respect, honestly. It was especially cute, because most of those kids know me, and they know me as Becky, but at RACS, they had to call me Miss Hewitt. Many of them would say, "Hey Becky, I am sorry, I mean Miss Hewitt."
There really are so many stories I could share, but I think I would max out the characters they allow for one blog, haha. Needless to say, I had a fantastic time, and though it was not very restful, it was an awesome experience.
The end of my break, I was in VA. Saturday morning, I slowly got up and finished packing. Dad and Scott took me to the airport, and I flew to WV with only about a 15 minute delay on my flight out of Baltimore. The Millers met me at the airport, and well...Daniel's flight had a much longer delay. So Mr. and Mrs. Miller and I enjoyed just shy of 6 hours of visiting. Daniel arrived safely at about 1:45 am (before the time change). We were all glad to see him. I enjoyed my time at Miller's, and yesterday Daniel brought me back to school. I was able to enjoy a nice breakfast with him this morning, and then he headed back. He has arrived back at his home again, safely (now to get some good sleep!).
This may not have been the most restful break, but I so enjoyed my time with my family, the students, and Daniel and his parents.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Chapel Message
I highly encourage all to listen to this message. This is obviously our chapel message from the Friday before break. Mr. Chesley is my English teacher. He is a man whom I look up to and admire. He is a godly man and see it in everything he does. Listen to this, and allow it to change the way you see things.
(Select Mr.Chesley's message given on March 5, 2010)
(Select Mr.Chesley's message given on March 5, 2010)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I think I am going to go crazy within the next 24 hours. I am so nervous about my tests tomorrow, and I have church tonight and a (stupid) meeting to go to. I am debating about skipping the meeting because I know it won't be overly short. Who knows, I am not thinking about that right now. A praise though is that I got an anonymous gift, and what an encouragement that was. Praise the Lord! I hope you all have a great evening. If you happen to think of me, I won't object to your sending a prayer up for me. Thanks!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Notes from the 1st-4th Graders
Thought you all may be interested in some of the adorable notes my mom's Sunday school class sent me. I was laughing so hard with some of them. I laugh, but in all actuality, they are just so sweet, and I doubt the kids will ever understand just how much these notes mean to me, until they are in college and get care packages from my mom's Sunday school class (yes, she will probably still be teaching it then). I made sure to keep their spelling the same, and I have omitted their names, just so that it doesn't come across that I am making fun of them.
"Hi Becky, where are you going to college I like to draw. My favorite part in school is PE. What is your favority thing _________?" I love how they ask me questions, and leave a blank for me to fill in.
"Dear Becky! How are you doing I am doing fine. What is your favorite subject! I love you Becky! What are you doing! By!" Complete with a picture of me and this little girl.
"Dear Becky I am glad to write to you Becky. This year I wish you cood cum to my home we have a puppy if you wood like to no the name is bicky I wish she wood not bite miy brather in the bute."
"Dear Becky How are you. I would want to meet you. were do you live. what is your phone number. do you want to be firend's...I want to know evry thing about you...where do you live? I realy want to be your friend, do you, you can tell I have a lot gowing on can't you? your mom is my teache isint her...I want to know every thing about you doun't you."
"My mom is pregnant." Complete with a picture of me in a castle with long hair and a boy at the bottom saying "have down!"
Children are just so much fun, and are the cause of the some of my biggest smiles. These are definitely going up on my wall. Thanks Mom for putting the time and the effort into doing this, it truly is a huge encouragement. (haha, I am not even going to try spell checking this blog)
"Hi Becky, where are you going to college I like to draw. My favorite part in school is PE. What is your favority thing _________?" I love how they ask me questions, and leave a blank for me to fill in.
"Dear Becky! How are you doing I am doing fine. What is your favorite subject! I love you Becky! What are you doing! By!" Complete with a picture of me and this little girl.
"Dear Becky I am glad to write to you Becky. This year I wish you cood cum to my home we have a puppy if you wood like to no the name is bicky I wish she wood not bite miy brather in the bute."
"Dear Becky How are you. I would want to meet you. were do you live. what is your phone number. do you want to be firend's...I want to know evry thing about you...where do you live? I realy want to be your friend, do you, you can tell I have a lot gowing on can't you? your mom is my teache isint her...I want to know every thing about you doun't you."
"My mom is pregnant." Complete with a picture of me in a castle with long hair and a boy at the bottom saying "have down!"
Children are just so much fun, and are the cause of the some of my biggest smiles. These are definitely going up on my wall. Thanks Mom for putting the time and the effort into doing this, it truly is a huge encouragement. (haha, I am not even going to try spell checking this blog)
last week before break
Here is just a rough overview of the week. Prayers are very much appreciated!
-Gospels and Acts Exam (10:00 am)
-Mission's Steering Committee Meeting (12:00 pm)
-Job Interview (soon after 2:00 pm)
-Ecclesiology Presentation (8:00 am)
-English Composition Exam (12:40 pm)
-Ecclesiology Exam (8:00 am)
-Official Job Interview (10:00 am)
-Foundations of Education Exam (11:00 am)
-Heading to NJ, please pray for safe travels, and good weather (3:30ish pm)
-Gospels and Acts Exam (10:00 am)
-Mission's Steering Committee Meeting (12:00 pm)
-Job Interview (soon after 2:00 pm)
-Ecclesiology Presentation (8:00 am)
-English Composition Exam (12:40 pm)
-Ecclesiology Exam (8:00 am)
-Official Job Interview (10:00 am)
-Foundations of Education Exam (11:00 am)
-Heading to NJ, please pray for safe travels, and good weather (3:30ish pm)
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