Saturday, May 29, 2010

this past week

This week has been a great week at home, and I have been so very busy. One thing I have especially enjoyed since being home is cooking. I don't think mom has cooked at all since being home, and that is by my choice. I am loving the life of being home, cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry.

Sunday started out early as I got up to get lunch (which was a chicken casserole) ready on the ready bake setting (or whatever it is called). I then got to teach my mom's Sunday School class (she was at a lady's conference). Those kids were so attentive, and I loved being able to teach. Mom forgot to warn me that this week the triplet sisters and their brother would be there. It ended up not being a problem at all, and they were all so respectful and well behaved. After lunch, I got a glorious nap and then came downstairs to find mom home, and giving Scott a beard and hair cut. He looks quite handsome, if I may so myself. I had nursery that evening where I had three children on my lap at once. If you know me though, you know I didn't mind that at all.

Monday morning started with cleaning Scott's house. He had asked me on Sunday afternoon, and I had agreed to do so. Let's just say it was one of those cleaning situations that at the end, you really felt like you had accomplished something. We were going to bake some cinnamon rolls so the house would smell nice for the showing later that afternoon. Much to my dismay, last time Scott had used the oven, his creation had bubbled over and burnt. Not sure how nice it smelled at the end. I got home in time to get ready and head over to the doctor's office for a doctor's appointment. I had my blood taken, but was fine with doing that. I came home in time to make some dinner of enchiladas and apple dumplings for dinner.
Tuesday, I was awaken by a call from Austin reminding me that it was Play Group. Mrs. May had invited me to go to Play Group with her and Sophia to learn a fun teaching style. I went and had a lot of fun, while learning too. Miss Jan was teaching the kids about grain and then ground up some smoked buckwheat and helped them make pancakes- what fun (and so tasty!) That afternoon, I was able to enjoy some time at home with Mom.

Wednesday morning I got up early and went to work with Dad. Again, not an ideal dream job of mine, but the time with Dad was so nice. It was 97 degrees that day, and made it hot outside, but I managed to walk away without getting sunburned. I was in charge of measuring, cutting, and bringing the blue foam insulation over to Dad and dropping it in the hole, so he could glue it on the outside of the foundation. We all went to church that evening and enjoyed our devotional outside at the picnic table. When we got home, Mom, Sarah and I were watching TV when we got a tornado warning, and soon after the electricity went out. It was an adventure to get the dog inside, and then light candles in the pitch black. Everything was fine, and we didn't suffer any damage.
Thursday involved babysitting Sophia, which as you know, I love. That girl is so precious and is all hugs and smiles. My favorite quote from her that morning was "Will you give me a french fry braid, Becky?" Oh the things, little one's ears hear. After watching her, Mom and I went in to RACS for the Memorial Day Service. We snuck out early with Sarah to the DMV. We now have another driver in the house- yikes! She did very well on her test though, and got a 100%.
Yesterday I got a surprise visit from Sophia again. Mom made her a T-shirt dress (mom used to make them for Sarah and I when we were younger and we just about wore them every day because we loved them so much) which she even helped with a little bit. We then enjoyed lunch, made cards, and headed into town to bring Hershey to the vet. Not like any of you care, but she lost 14 pounds since her last visit (because she needed to) and is now her ideal weight. Ice cream cones were 49 cents yesterday, so mom splurged and got us all one. Do you know what it is like trying to eat your ice cream cone, and keep an eye on a 3 year olds, when it is hot out and melting fast? We then picked Sarah up at school and headed home. Grandpa had given mom some wood for her birthday, so Sarah and I went out and helped him stack it. After that, I came in and made homemade pizza- delicious. I enjoyed allowing my creative juices to flow as I spent time with Mom making cards.
This morning has been a leisurely morning as I have eaten breakfast and just mozied around. I remind you, and ask you though to be remembering Daniel as he heads to Papua New Guineatomorrow. He will be gone for two months doing an internship being an airplane mechanic. You can read his blog about this trip here. I hope you all have a blessed weekend.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sophia Joy

Being home, I find myself just doing odd things around the house, which are a blast, but I wanted to feel like I was helping someone and being productive. Training for CEF doesn't start until June 19th, so I have a little bit. I mentioned to Mrs. May that if she ever needed me to watch Sophia, I would be happy to do it. She smiled big and said "What are you doing Thursday?" I said, "Watching Sophia" She came over at 8, and I got to keep her until about 3:30, boy did we have fun!

This picture just captures a small portion of just how much Sophia loves her Aunt Debbie. Mom loves her too, and when you get those two together, all you hear is lots and lots of giggling.

I taught Sophia how to take a picture, and one of the pictures she took turned out.

Sophia is a snuggle bug, and I don't complain. I need to keep a journal of the things she says to me. At one point in the day she was hugging me and said "Becky, I just love you so much. I miss you when you are at school" Let's just say she knows how to make her Becky smile.

I was kneeling down on the floor looking at the pictures when she said, "You stay there. You are the dog and I can be the kitty!" as she kneeled down next to me posing for a picture. I love the imagination.

After I painted her finger nails and toe nails, she drew a picture to put in Uncle Dwight's lunch box and I wrote a note that she 'embellished'. Her drawing was very colorful, but I couldn't make out the obvious scribble, so I asked "Sophia, what is this a picture of?" to which she responded "shapes", haha.

I had told her I would make cookies with her, and she had promised Sarah and Uncle Dwight that she would save them some. We had fun. I was measuring things out and it called for three cups of flour. She informed me that she needed to do that since she is three years old. I caught her licking her fingers when I quickly rushed her to the sink to wash her hands and explained how she needed to keep her fingers out of her mouth, and at the end, she could lick the spatula. As I was cleaning off the excess cookie dough, she informed me "that's good, you can leave the rest on there" while there were still large clumps of cookie dough, little stinker.

The finished product(s):
Beautiful finger nails and toe nails
A colorful note to Uncle Dwight/Dad
Some very delicious oat meal chocolate chip cookies
Lots of laughs
Lots of fun

We had a spectacular day together, and I even got to play with her for a few hours this morning. She is a smart little girl, and lots of fun to spend time with.

Monday, May 17, 2010

my life up until this moment

As mentioned below, this semester is DONE. My freshman year of college is DONE. Thank you all for your prayers as I faced my first year of college. Those prayers are what helped me get through each day one at a time. There are many lessons I learned at college, probably the two biggest being trust and patience. I wish I could tell you that I have them perfected, or at least one of them, but I don’t. It is a process I am working on, and by God’s grace, He is helping me with both of these. He is helping mold me into who He wants me to be.

I enjoyed the time in TX celebrating Tim and Beth’s graduation. While there, I was also able to see my Aunt and Uncle from TX. Tim and Beth were pretty busy between graduation and weddings, but they found time to share some exciting news—I am going to be an aunt (I only write it on here, because they have given permission that it is not a hush hush, and I am almost sure everyone already knows about it now already). But I am so excited for them and praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy for both Beth, and this little nephew/niece of mine. Both Tim and Beth each had some more hours to get in before they receive their diploma so they are still in TX taking those last few hours, and then will be heading on to their next phase of life, work and parenting!

My time in VA was wonderful, and very relaxing. I am so grateful…Daniel reformatted my computer, which was much needed. It is now working much quicker, and cleaner. Who knows what kind of virus junk I had on here, but thankfully it is all clean now, and healthy. The time of fellowship was so refreshing.

I flew home Friday morning, and had a slow trip back with Mom. We weren’t too pressed for time, so we just enjoyed each other’s company and went about twenty minutes out of our way to find a Wal-Mart in the middle of nowhere, which ended up having none of the things we were looking for. Oh well, we enjoyed the time together, and got a good laugh out of it.

Janie’s celebration of life was on Saturday, and a celebration it was. I still marvel at the joy we as believers can have when we know that our loved one is with her Savior. Yes, we cry, and yes, we suffer a loss, but we don’t mourn as those who have no hope. Janie was a wonderful woman, and I am so glad my path crossed hers, and that I was able to grow from watching how she reacted to what life threw her way. I have learned so many lessons from the family, and can only hope and pray that if life ever brings some hardship my way, that I handle it as this family has. Praise the Lord for the impact her life had on so many. I encourage you to read the blog set up for her, Janie’s Purple Pen, to learn more about who she was, and what she was all about.

Yesterday, Sunday, was my first Sunday back at my home church. It was good to be back, and to see all of those dear familiar faces. After the morning service I was given my right hand of fellowship where I was welcomed into membership. It wasn’t anything that happened due to my ‘becoming of age’, but a decision I made in order to be able to serve in a teaching position this summer! I am not sure exactly yet the age I will be teaching, but regardless, I am excited!

Sunday afternoon, Beek came over for lunch and then we went to Ash’s wedding shower. I still have a hard time comprehending that Ash is getting married, and she is my age. One of our friends who is only a year older was there, and is eight months pregnant. Where has the time gone?

This morning, I went in to RACS for the presentation of the Christine Kelley Besaw Memorial Scholarships. The Besaws have been gracious and have allowed the recipients from last year to renew these scholarships and to all of you who realize how expensive college is—every little bit helps. I am so grateful. After chapel, Beek, Beek, Abby, and I went to Mary’s Café. I had a raspberry pancake, and boy was it delicious! I headed home, and since then have been cleaning, doing laundry, and just got back from seeing Darin’s calf that was born last night. I am now about to head upstairs to work on dinner—chicken parmesan!

Thanks again for your prayers over the past nine months, and the past week or so with all of my travels. I am home safely, and looking forward to what the Lord has in store for me this summer.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

end of my freshman year

Just to give a quick update that I survived my first year of college--all praise to God! My family made it to WV safely and I was excited to be able to bring them to church with me. Early (meaning 6am) Thursday morning, the five of us got in the van with all of my college stuff I was bringing home and headed to TX. We got to Tim and Beth's apartment at about 9:15 central. We had a lovely weekend with both our family and Beth's immediate family! It was a great time of fellowship and a nice time celebrating Tim and Beth's college graduation. I successfully got sunburned in the time waiting for Tim and Beth after graduation and then for pictures. Daniel and I headed out Sunday after Mother's Day lunch caravaning with his parents. We had a safe trip back here to VA and are now enjoying some of our spring break. Daniel heads to Papua New Guinea the end of this month (for two months), so I have tagged along with him and his mom as they have been working on finishing up paperwork for that mission's trip. I will be coming home at some time on Friday, but am enjoying my summer break thus far. Thank you all for your prayers for the completion of my first year of college.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I just love this picture, because it reminds me of my rabbit, Rusty. I saved my money and bought Rusty as soon as he was old enough to come home with me. He was the most beautiful rabbit ever, and I spoiled him rotten. He was one of the friendliest rabbits you would have met. One day his eyes were goopy, and he seemed down, so I brought him inside, gave him a sponge bath, gave him oatmeal and a baby carrot. The next morning he was dead. Lesson from the story: don't let Becky be your nurse, haha. Anyways, this picture reminds me of him...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

exam schedule

Here is my exam schedule for this week.... (each are a two hour slot)

-10am: Gospels and Acts
-1pm: English Composition

-8am: Ecclesiology
-1pm: Personal Evangelism and Discipleship

-10am (exam portion will actually start at 10:45): Foundations of Education

Saturday, May 1, 2010

work day

Work day went very well, and we couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather. It was sunny, and very warm, though there was a refreshing breeze. I was inside most of the time though. I helped a group clean Beukema (a classroom building) where we cleaned the underside of all of the desks (yes, I was the winner with the two desks that had gum on the bottom), and cleaned the seats and tops as well. We then would move all of the desks in order to vacuum the entire carpet. This takes a science, because there are a ton of desks in a not-so-very-big classroom, so the desks have to be moved several times. While I was on the vacuuming crew, two students washed all of the windows inside and out, and then I helped another girl put the screens back in. At times, Ms. Parvin (the overseeing staff member, and leader of both the puppet and drama team) would take students out to organize a part of the storage closet that had all of the costumes and puppets. Katie and I had the privilege of crawling around on our hands and knees to wash the baseboards of the entire building. My knees were sore yesterday, but my knees feel as good as normal today (as well as the rest of my body- yay, I am not old!). I also cleaned the entire girl's bathroom, which wasn't bad at all (I am weird, I don't mind cleaning bathrooms that much), besides the intense fumes which forced me to stand outside for a few seconds on a few occasions. The entire ABC family did a fantastic job, and campus is looking awesome! If you would like to see some pictures from the day, try checking out ABC's facebook.

The all school picnic was a lot of fun. We obviously ate food, which was actually really good, and the fellowship kept me laughing. One of the people sitting with us, has his dog trained so that you can say "Bang!" and it falls on its back as if it had just died. I wish I could teach Hershey to do that. We then watched the Alpine Ragada, which is where a group of students make a 'boat' and have to 'paddle' out to the middle of the pond, around the inner tube, and back. A group of guys won for speed, and the Maintenance Crew won for design. It was a lot of fun to watch as groups' boats sank, and just a good clean (besides the fact that the pond is disgusting) time of fun.

Today is a busy day, including: studying for exams, trying to finish up this CEF application, reading through Acts, packing, cleaning, and laundry. I basically have to be packed up by Monday evening for my preliminary room check, and will have my final room check as I check-out Wednesday night. The end of the year is in view! Happy May by the way!