Friday, July 30, 2010
98 cents yumminess
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
3-day Day Camp: Day #2 and #3
Monday, July 26, 2010
3-day Day Camp: Day #1
This won't be a long post, because I have been working on things a bit this evening, and still have a lot to do, but I want to quickly let you know how todays 5 hour club went. I was surprised with how well the club went, and how smoothly it worked. I did the added lesson this morning on Adam and Eve talking about how that is the ultimate "One Way" (the theme) decision. We had 6 well behaved children from age 3 all the way through age 11. I brought the 11 year old with me, and he was a huge help with being an example and helping the younger ones. One of our 3 year olds fell asleep, but I wasn't bothered in the least. I was impressed with how well our two 3 year olds handled the long day of activities, and the sleeping child in the middle of the blanket served as no distraction, so it was as cute as could be and not a problem in the least. The craft we are doing is mosaic coasters and I was pleased with the children's maturity in handling this craft, and was encouraged by their excitement! For some of our game time, we played with a giant parachute, and the children were not the only ones who had a blast! I too enjoyed playing with them and just that lively time of giggles and activity! Please continue to pray for this club, and for the Lord has for these children. Our ultimate goal is to bring God glory!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
catch up on the life of Rebekah
Friday, July 23, 2010
Friday update for week #3
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
midweek update
This week is not going much as planned, but that is okay. It is forcing me to rely on God more, and that is a lesson, that I think most of us need to be forced into. Our afternoon club was canceled because her father is in the hospital not doing well. Within the matter of an hour, they were able to reschedule a new one. So that club is only four days (because we skipped yesterday), and today we had three children, the pastor's children. It is being held in an apartment complex, and we are hoping more will come tomorrow. Our morning club is actually also a 4 day club as well because they have swim lessons tomorrow morning. No decisions yet, but as far as I know, the children we have been working with are either already saved, or are raised in a Christian family. Still praying though that the lives are changed for God.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
second week of clubs
Good morning!
Once again, we had two clubs this week, one at 10 in the morning, and the other at 1 in the afternoon. The week went very well, and I Praise the Lord for that. He had a watch over us, and gave us the strength and wisdom to do His work. This week, I did have a new partner this week and her name is Corey. Corey will be a senior in high school and has been working with CEF for the past three summers.
Our first club was located in a small town, at a woman’s house that has recently broken her ankle. Corey and I were able to enjoy some sweet fellowship with her before club and a precious time in prayer. She is a prayer warrior, and I always knew she was praying for us as we were leading clubs in her backyard. She has a daycare just around the corner from her house, so the Lord provided the children for the club from that day care. Each one of those children were a lot of fun, and one of which was a Mormon. It was neat to watch this little girl come out of her shell throughout the week, and by Friday she was asking intellectual questions, and asked if she could have one of “our” Bibles. Please be praying for this little girl as she has heard the gospel, and be praying that she reads “our” Bible, and comes to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Another highlight of this week in our first club, was the Lord giving me the privilege of leading a young girl to Christ. She missed Monday, but from the start of Tuesday, you could see her heart was tender towards the gospel and the things of the Lord. Friday’s Bible lesson is on Samuel being called while sleeping, and this young girl asked the good question of “If we can’t hear God talk to us like Samuel did, how do we know what he says to us?”, and I was able to answer that. She responded to the invitation and we were able to have a sweet conversation about what the Lord did for her on the cross. In explaining this to her, and explaining how the Lord loved her so much that He died on the cross for her sins to be forgiven, she responded in a somber voice, “that must have really hurt”. Please be praying for her, and that she is able to go to church to learn more about God and to be able to grow. Overall, this club was a lot of fun, and we enjoyed our time immensely with these children!
Our second club was located a little south of our first club, and was hosted by a mom of five children. I was deeply encouraged by this woman’s relationship to the young people in her neighborhood, and Tuesday through Thursday, we had a new child who kept coming back! This club had more of the older children, which is more of a stretch for me as I am more often working with younger children, but God was good and helped me through this. I was also encouraged by the Bible knowledge of the hostesses children, and it was great to see another family that has been raised in the Bible, and knowing the truths. Corey and I especially had a lot of fun at this club, and interacting with them before and after club. Please be praying for the children who came who do not yet know the Lord, pray that they talk with the hostess about what they heard this past week, and the Lord would do a mighty work in their lives. Please also pray for the hostess’ children as they have heard about the Lord, pray that continue to grow in their knowledge of Him, and seek to please Him with their lives.
As far as weather goes, we can’t really complain. On Tuesday, we had to take shelter halfway through both clubs, and took shelter for the whole second club on Friday, but other than that, we were able to be outside enjoying the cool shade. It was much cooler then last week, and selfishly speaking, that was a huge praise.
Another prayer request is: for the week of July 26-30, we are looking for two clubs in the Rutland and surrounding area. I have been calling around, but still no one who has been able to commit. Please pray that the Lord’s will be done with the clubs for the week, and that I be content with that. If you are interested in holding a club in your backyard, please contact me.
Thank you again for your prayer support- I couldn’t do it without it. This has been an awesome experience thus far in doing the three things I love most: God, children, and teaching. May the Lord bless you in this upcoming week, and please email me if you have something that I can be praying for you with.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
summary of the first week
Thursday, July 8, 2010
update on the first week
Monday, July 5, 2010
first day of club
first week of CEF