Break is going quite well so far. I am loving the change of pace. The trip home went fairly well, and much better then it could have been. We were calling for freezing rain, but I never hit that (my parents did hit some bad weather driving to pick me up). We drove through some intense rain and fog, but the Lord kept us safe and put his hedge of protection around us. I am so thankful. I am also thankful that I did not suffer from bad car sickness. Since being sick I have been feeling dizzy quite often, and was very nervous about the ride. It went fine! I met up with my parents about 12:30am Saturday morning and we pulled into our drive at 4:30. I was in bed sleeping by 4:50am.
Saturday was a very lazy day. Tim, Beth, and Annette came over so that Tim could collect the sap from the buckets, and Scott had spent the night. It was fun to be together. We were all very blah and simply sat on the couches and did nothing. I was excited though and eager when dinner time came. Mom had the idea of quesadillas because we had the tortilla shells. So I ended up making bacon, chicken, and cheese quesadillas. I was pleased with how they turned out.

I went to bed early Saturday night (like 8:30ish) and enjoy a full night's sleep. Sunday morning I woke up to Dad knocking on the door and then bringing my sister and I breakfast in bed...bacon, egg, and cheese omlet. It was so yummy, and I don't even really like eggs, haha. We went to church and came back a ziti which Dad had prepared. Mom and Sarah headed off to nursing home ministry and the rest of us chatted a bit, Annette woke up, and we cleaned up from lunch. I then made some chocolate brownies that came out soon after Mom and Sarah got home. We enjoyed hot brownies topped with vanilla ice cream and homemade (by Mom) chocolate sauce. Again, super yummy.
We went to the evening service and then came home and enjoyed some Hallmark movie. We enjoyed being comfy in our lounge pants!
Once again, I went to bed early and enjoyed a night full of much needed sleep.
Today has been a restful, yet productive day, for which I so needed. I worked on scheduling out my week (one week is such a short period of time to try and recover health wise, and get the homework done that has to, not to mention time I want to spend with family, and the extra homework I
should get ahead on), and then got right to work. I finished a scholarship essay for next year and then did 90% of my take home math exam. Sometimes, homework is so much easier when sitting on a couch at home. I was motivated and got a lot done this morning. I then got some banking worked out, and got the tickets ordered (as in the tickets that the junior class is selling) for jr/sr banquet. I am now waiting for mom's cinnamon rolls to come out of the oven so that I can make some
banana chocolate chip scones. The menu for tonight's dinner is
taco stuffed shells. I so do enjoy cooking.
Spiritually, God has recently been teaching me to rely on Him. I constantly need this reminder. Why? Why can I not learn a lesson, apply it, and move on (continuing to apply the lesson for the rest of my life). I get so frustrated with myself, and what a slow learning I am. I am thankful that I find myself craving time with Him. I want to always be in that situation where I simply can't get enough of my God. He captivates me and I am head over heals about HIM. Loving the extra time break is allowing me to spend with Him.
If you think of it, please be praying for my friend,
Kari. She is on a mission's trip with the school in Uruguay. There are also several other groups from school going on mission's trip. Excited to hear how they all go.
Well, I am going to see what other kind of trouble I can get in to. I am hoping to stay organized and keep you updated on the happenings of my break (with pictures of my fun cooking adventures). Hope I don't bog you down with boring, dry details. Take care.