Let me give you an update via pictures, because we all know those are more interesting (plus I have seen the sweet kiddos twice in the last three months, so better pictures) than too many words.
For Thanksgiving, we went to the mister's grandfather's house where we enjoyed the day with extended family. Most everyone was able to make it this year and it was a joy to spend the day together. Straight from there, we drove to the mister's sister's home for a weekend with his immediate family. We enjoyed the few days together, and while we had everyone, celebrated Christmas.

From there, we came home for a couple of weeks of "normal life" where work continues to go well for both of us. I have added four new students in the last month. It has added some extra challenges in having bigger numbers, but I continue to rejoice that the Lord placed them in my class. It is not by accident. I need them, and they need our class. Please continue to pray that I have wisdom as I approach each and every moment. This year has opened my eyes to how very needy I am for His wisdom.
The mister's work is also going well. When we look back on this year, we are in awe of what the Lord has, and is doing. He has had a few glimpses of hearts being softened towards spiritual topics. We continue to pray for additional open doors to share the gospel and to be His hands and feet in the secular work field. Work has been busy with several planes needing the mister's attention.
We had a low key Christmas between the two of us this year, and tried to soak in the sweet times we had together. For Christmas, the mister's sisters gave us a date to the Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens to see their Christmas lights. I have been wanting to go since we moved to the area, and so we had fun making a date night out of it.

On the Wednesday before Christmas, we drove to Vermont. It rained the entire time, making the final destination even more wonderful. We enjoyed the time with my side of the family. We first celebrated with my immediate family on Christmas morning, and then a bunch of extended family traveled in on Saturday.

We drove home from Vermont and then a few days later drove to the mister's parents for New Years. Yes, we did a lot of traveling--over forty-three hours in fact. The few days spent with his parents was quiet and refreshing. The mister was able to get a few projects done with his dad, and I was able to do some crafting and visiting with his mom.
While we were there, both my older brother, and younger sister got engaged. We are so excited for both of these couples, and how the Lord will use them for His ministry as couples.

After a busy break of visiting extended family, and enjoying our little family of two, we find ourselves extra thankful for the gift of family. We trust you had a sweet holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years) season and were able to think on the many ways you have seen God work in the past year. Happy 2016 to you! Hopefully I will do better this year in getting a monthly update out to you all.
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