Let me catch you up a little bit on some key things that have happened in our lives since we last posted.
We signed a lease on a town home (you can read more details about how awesome our God is in providing this home here), and have been living there since. We cannot say enough positive about this place. We love it, and are excited to say that we have renewed our lease for another year here.
Here are two pictures, used with permission, from my mom. My sister was a beautiful bride, and now she and her husband, Caleb, live in Florida and are expecting their first child in September.
All three of my siblings are now married to wonderful people. "Adulting" has been tough in that my siblings are three of my best friends, and they all live a long ways away. I miss them terribly, but treasure the moments together all the more.
My parents came down to North Carolina with us after the wedding, and we had a great time together. They helped get my classroom ready, we went to the Panthers' stadium, and then took a quick trip up to Washington, DC.

It was then time for a new school year to begin. I had twenty fifth and sixth graders. This year brought some of my lowest points as a teacher, in learning how to better meet the needs of not just my students, but the families of my students. It was a growing process to be sure, and I was able to learn a lot. This year made me especially thankful for the support and love from both my mister, and coworkers. I worked alongside some of the finest teachers, and was thankful to learn and grow alongside them.
In August, we celebrated the mister's birthday. Instead of a traditional gift, we decided to instead save that money to go on a short weekend camping trip together. A few weeks after his birthday, we drove to Damascus, VA and arrived after dark...in the rain. It was a very memorable camping trip for the both of us, but would go back in a heartbeat, if the situation prevented itself. While in Damascus, we adventured out to bike the 17 mile Virginia Creeper Trail (disclaimer: it is basically all downhill). It was snowing when we arrived at the top of the mountain (via shuttle), and we enjoyed a leisurely ride down. We came home cold and tired, but had an outstanding time together.
For Thanksgiving, we celebrated once at home just us, and then again in Virginia with the mister's side of the family. After Thanksgiving, we went to the the mister's parents home for some additional time together as family.
Christmas was busy, as usual, but lent itself to some sweet time with loved one. We made it to both sides of the family!
It was also at Christmas, when we announced to family that we are growing our little family of two, to a little family of three.
The key word for February was FAMILY. We had the mister's entire immediate family together, as well as his maternal grandparents from Texas. My parents then came down for a visit from Vermont. We enjoyed the time together, and revealing the gender of our child!
You can never spend too much time with the sweet nieces and nephews.
We did a small gender reveal brunch before the mister's grandparents flew back to Texas. We ordered Krispy Kreme donuts that were filled with BLUE frosting! (Some of the above [and below] pictures are to the credit of my dear mother...used with permission)
March and April were busy at school with end-of-the-year field trips, competitions, programs, and parties. Before school ended, Rebekah's students (and their parents) planned a surprise baby shower for the little man.

School ended on May 17th, with high school graduation on the 19th. Rebekah is officially a stay-at-home wife and mom and does not plan to return to teaching in the fall.
The Saturday after graduation, we flew up to Vermont as a last long trip before Baby Boy arrives. It was a relaxing time with loved ones. They too showered us with love and gifts. My mom shared a sweet devotional, and gifted us with a true treasure- The Child Training Bible.
June has been a month with no rest for the weary. We have been going steady with different events, appointments, and classes. We are eagerly anticipating the change in month, with *hopefully* some much needed rest and recuperation before the little man arrives.
Our church family here in Charlotte generously hosted a beautiful baby shower. As with the other showers, we are overwhelmed by the love shown to our little family of three.
(Photo credit: Amy T.)
And this brings us to the present. We are currently 35 weeks pregnant, and rejoicing in the sweet gift of our son that the Lord has given us. We had an appointment yesterday and everything seems to be looking great. He is an active little man with a strong heartbeat. We do not take this for granted. Please pray for us as we continue to prepare for his arrival, and the new adventure called "parenthood". We recognize that, like everything else, we can not do it in our own strength. We need His daily strength and wisdom.
Our other bit of exciting news that we give all glory to God for is that all of Daniel's school loans are paid off. As many of you know, the goal for our little family is overseas missions. The one thing standing in our way right now are some loans that both the mister and I accrued during college for our school payments. Being able to pay off all of his loans was a big testimony of God's goodness in our family, and a great mile markers in our journey towards the oversea mission field. We still owe about 40% of Rebekah's loans. We ask that you praise the Lord with us, and covet your prayers as we work diligently at finishing to pay off Rebekah's loans.
To God be the glory, GREAT things HE has done!
To God be the glory, GREAT things HE has done!