Friday, April 30, 2010
study day
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
end of the semester
Tonight is my last Wednesday night with my kiddos at DBC. I will be doing a review of the fruit of the Spirit, which is the study we have been doing this semester. I have grown to love these children (though they can be very challenging) and will really miss them this summer. But as of right now, I plan on going back to DBC next year, so I will get to see them again soon.
Tomorrow is study day where we We can sleep in and the faculty serves us breakfast to our door. We have one every semester, and I loved it last semester. It is a very productive day, and I am looking forward to what I can get done tomorrow.
Friday is work day, which is when everyone from ABC (full-time and part-time students, faculty, staff, families, etc.) help clean up around campus. I will be cleaning the inside of Beukema (a classroom building), but some of the other tasks include: cleaning the buses and vans, trimming bushes, sweeping sidewalks and roads, cleaning the dining room chairs, washing windows, and still so many more. We will be cleaning from about 8:30 until 3:00. Friday evening we have an all campus picnic where there will be 'boat' races across the pond!
I am also working on my CEF application, which has been long and extensive, but I am excited to be involved in that ministry this summer.
The countdown!
7 days until I see: Dad, Mom, Scott, and Sarah
8 days until I see: Daniel, Tim, and Beth
21 days until I am home in Vermont!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
IMPACT overview
I met my three girls as they passed through registration. Two of the girls, Becca and Megan, were sisters, and the third girl, Cassie was a senior whose church sent the seniors to impact as a senior trip/senior gift. They were all very sweet, although I am concerned with exactly where they are standing spiritually. I know one of the girls was specifically convicted over the weekend, and was excited to go home and change her youth group. If you think of these three girls, please lift them up in your prayers, as we all know it gets tough to live out convictions once you get back home and get back to day-to-day life.
Dr. Anderson (president of ABC) was our speaker this year, and he truly did an fantastic job. The teens were very attentive and stayed awake (as much as I could see through my eyelids, just kidding, I was awake). The first night he talked about being awake (duh!) and asked three questions: Do you know what time it is?, Do you know what trouble is?, and Do you know what type you are? I know it is kind of hard to understand the whole message from just that, but I promise you it was very convicting. One of my girls responded to this message, and Praise God for that. Saturday morning Dr. A talked about the life of Sampson (Judges 16), and I confess I don’t think I have read/heard that story since I was young, but what a powerful story. Sampson got caught in sin, and that sin blinded him, binded him, and grinded him, but God’s grace found Him! I would have to say this was the most convicting for me personally. We had one last message on Saturday afternoon talking about three teenagers from the Bible as life examples: Daniel, Mary, and Timothy. I am so thankful for the messages Dr. A brought us reminding us to be awake as Christians.
The activities committee did an exceptional job with the activities. Friday night, Greg hosted a game of what most will know as “Minute to Win it” on TV He would give the teen a ‘task’ to do, and they had to do that in 60 seconds. He had one contestant rolling ping pong balls down a tape measure into a bowl about six feet from the teen; a contestant trying to take out all of the Kleenexes from a box, one at a time; he also had a contestant who had to blow like 20 disposable cups off of the table, but the air in a balloon that he repeatedly had to blow up. These are just a few of the activities, but it had us all laughing and very engaged. Saturday morning, we had a big game of Capture the Flag…Mattress Style! The twist to it being mattress style is that the flag was a full size mattress. Without going into all of the rules, we all had a blast playing this game, and I actually did tag some people, and didn’t fall into the pond (though a few guys tried to make it so there was no else but the pond to go). Sadly, the guys pretty much won, but oh well, it was fun playing!
Another activity we did was on Friday night around our indoor ‘bonfire’. Eric, in his creativity, asked for four volunteers: two guys, and two girls. He had one girl and one guy lay on the floor where there was plastic laid out. He then gave each team (guys’ team and girls’ team) a bowl of peanut butter and told them they had like 20 seconds to smear as much of the peanut butter on the person laying down(‘s) face. No worries, he made sure his volunteers were not allergic to peanut butter. He then gave each team a bowl of cheerios, and this time, they had to get as many cheerios on this person’s face. It was very noisy as the teams each cheered for their team/gender. By this time, it was very messy down there, so Eric decided to be nice to the girl and guy laying down, and help them with the cleaning process, so he had the team member standing up take off their socks and shoes and clean off the other’s person’s face…with their feet! I was thankful I was not down there, but it was a blast to watch as the contestants were all good sports about it and had a blast doing it.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Life has me going "agh!" Impact went very well, but left me dead exhausted. I will probably post pictures from the weekend....after Wednesday! I have my research paper comparing/contrasting the pharisees and the essenes due this Wednesday and to say the least, it has me a bit stressed. Praise the Lord though I am doing better in the stress department after last night. I spent some time just forcing myself to work on it, and I made good head-way. If I push REALLY hard this afternoon in the library, I think I could get the bulk of it done. I am still very tired from the weekend and stress and just pushing hard to get through Wednesday. Prayers are very much appreciated.
I hope you all have a beautiful week, and are able to do something fun and relaxing this week!
Friday, April 23, 2010
IMPACT, CEF, and a lovely care package
Also, I called about another job for this summer. I am seriously considering working as a CEF summer missionary in Vermont doing 5 day clubs. Please pray for me as I prayerfully consider this option.
Another tid bit of excitement for me is a care package from my mom (totally blog worthy). I was walking down to the post office hoping to get some good mail today and vaguely imaging the little laminated piece of paper that reads "You have a UPS package", and I opened my mailbox, and there it was--the little laminated piece of paper that reads "You have a UPS package". I was so excited. I gave it to Mrs. Chesley and she said "a big orange box" and I smiled and responded "must be from my parents, thank you!" I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I walked back to my room to open the lovely package. My mom is awesome--she sent me a package to help me make it through the last week and a half at ABC including: granola, banana bread, Dove dark chocolate, Vermont maple hard candy, Apple Cinnamon tea, M 'n Ms and a lovely note. I most definitely won't run out of my fill of sweets before they come and pick me up (13 days!). Anyways, I just wanted to remind you all of what a fantastic mom I have, and to let her know just how much I appreciate her and the package she sent me (Thanks, Mom! I love you.)
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Enjoy meeting with God on Sunday!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
football in chapel

If you are anything like me, you have no idea what Pro Bowl is. And again, if you are anything like me, you still don't really know what it is, but that doesn't matter. All you need to know is that it is football, and it is a group of men from different AFC and NFL teams that kind of join their own team (sorry, I am sure I am totally butchering this). The thing is, they are all wearing the same jersey, just different helmets.
Rev. Davenport was sharing with us this morning how these Pro Bowl games usually are not played as aggressively as a regular football game, and that is largely because while they are on the same team, they aren't on the same team as what their helmet identifies them as (New England Patriots, Miami Dolphins, Dallas Cowboys etc). They don't tackle as hard, or run as hard, because they aren't putting every ounce they have into these games because these people aren't their real team, and this isn't the real NFL games they are in the career for. I assume another reason is they don't want to end up hurting one of their own players (but what do I know?). Rev Davenport was relating this to our spiritual life. Are you wearing the jersey of Christ, but still have your own helmet over? If so, that is obviously hindering your walk with the Lord, and your testimony as a believer. You can't decide to say you are part of a team, when your real loyalty is to the name on your helmet--yourself! You have to be completely sold out to your team, putting your every ounce into life while wearing the Christ jersey (I don't mean for it to sound corny).
I encourage you to examine yourself on whether you are playing a Pro Bowl game, wearing the Christ jersey and your own helmet, or are you playing an NFL game, wearing His jersey and helmet?
It isn't often that a sports analagy strikes me, but this one sure does. I hope you are able to find time to listen to the message, and that it encourages you as much as it did me.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
update on the life of Rebekah
As far as classes, they are going well, though they have really picked up. It seems like I have just had several projects due at the same time. What is known as "the busiest week of the semester" is past and done, but since then I have wondered if that really was the busiest semester. I will admit, though it has gotten stressful and overwhelming at times, never I have felt like it was unachievable- Praise the Lord. Most of my classes (with the exception of Ecclesiology) have been a lot of fun, and I have been learning a lot (even in Ecclesiology).
I expected Sign Language to be my favorite class, but in a way, it has become the most burdensome. We learn 30-50 new vocab words most every class period, and after they are covered in class, we are expected to have them committed to memory. I have found that extremely difficult, and at times very discouraging. This past Tuesday though, my teacher brought in some of her signing friends, one of which was fully hearing, one who could hear out of one ear, and the other completely deaf. I was SO nervous, but after talking to them, I was still nervous, but was thoroughly enjoying the conversation. I think they had fun working with us. Let me tell you though, their 'slow' at finger spelling, is faster than I can even spell my name. It was insane. That experience was discouraging and encouraging though. I learned that there is still so much that I don't know and so much I need to work on, but I also learned that I know more then I think. I am ready for the class to be done, and hope that I will find the time to keep working with it, and that I gain enough courage to talk to David back at my home church.
The coal mine explosion took a toll on the school as we were greatly affected. The town in which the incident happened was where ABC started actually. Praise the Lord though for students being able to go. These students became a part of the families, and have actually been invited to one family's family reunion. Thank you for your prayers, but please them coming. These families still have so much healing to do.
Church down here has been going well, and I am REALLY going to miss the children and other people here at church. I have been teaching every Wednesday night for the 2s-5s and enjoying it. I have been going through a study on the fruit of the spirit. We have found the curriculum to be a bit above them, and so it has taken some extra work to improvise and change some things. One thing I love is that the children are really getting to know me and I love being able to get on the floor with them, and have them crawl on to my lap and ask me to read them a book. I just love children! I have also been teaching Children's Church one week a month, and enjoying that as I have been able to use some of my 'teacher' talents. The people at this church have been wonderful, and so accepting. Two women specifically stick out in my mind. One woman always says "Hi" to me when she sees me and genuinely asks how I am doing. Last semester, she cut an article out of Country that had pictures of VT- so sweet! Another woman started coming with her husband, three sons, and daughter after I had started going. I am not sure I have ever seen her without a smile. She has a motherly way about her that makes me want to give her a great big hug as she asks me how I am and what she can be praying for. Little does she know just how encouraging that is to me. What especially sticks out to me about her is that she checks back with me to see if my prayer was answered, which proves to me that she has been praying for me. I most definitely will be missing these dear people.
For Easter, I did not have to eat at the cafeteria. As many of you know, each Sunday night, I go over to our Sunday School teacher's home, where his wife gives us a light dinner. I especially enjoy going over there as it is a home, with children. They invited the college students over, and we happily accepted. Nancy cooked us up a storm. She also let me bring dessert, so that was fun getting to bake. I brought one of my family’s favorites- Hot Fudge Sundae Cake. We had a fantastic time of fellowship, closing up the afternoon with going through a Tour of The Truth Project.
Spiritually, God has been showing me some convicting, yet exciting things. One particular thing He has been teaching me is how I need to be a true disciple of Him. In Personal Evangelism and Discipleship, we have been looking at the relationship between the Rabbi and Talmid. Wow- I fall so short. I have been challenged with the thought that if I truly believed what I said I believed, wouldn’t I be automatically be living the life of a talmid, and not just talking about it. Prayers would be so appreciated as I work on acting out the things I believe. Through Sunday School, we have been going through the book Holding Hands, Holding Hearts, and this has been neat to go through and learn what the Bible has to say about dating (the answer is ‘Nothing. And everything.’). On Sunday evenings, we have been doing The Truth Project, and I have especially been marveling at the fact that we when I accepted Christ, I was not just saved from Hell, I entered an intimate relationship with the Creator. I encourage you to think about that for a little while and allow it to connect to the idea of being a true talmid.
This weekend is IMPACT, and though I am excited, I am a little nervous about not having that time to work on papers. Today, I worked hard and got my homework done up until Thursday, which is a huge praise. Hopefully I will be able to work on next week’s homework this week, so that I don’t have to cram it all in Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.
That is a not-so-abridged update on what is going on in the life of Rebekah. I am ready for summer, and excited to see my family in 18 days! Exams are May 3rd -5th and I will post a schedule when it gets a little closer. Thank you all for your continued prayers. If there is any way in which I can be praying for you, please shoot me an email, and I would be happy to pray for you. But for now, I am going to go get ready for bed, and then get some shut-eye before tomorrow.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
IMPACT update
"Just wanted to thank you for your prayers and share a blessing with you. Right after our meeting at 9:00 p.m. with prayer for IMPACT registration, I checked my email and someone literally registered at 9:41 p.m. with 23 people. Coincidence? I Think not."
Please continue to be in prayer that we get more teens signing up.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
my room
Coal Mine Explosion
Thursday, April 8, 2010
scavenger hunt

The whole team in front of a stop sign

The team bagging someone's groceries

The team in the trunk of Kirstie's car
The entire team with blue tongues
Coal Mine Explosion
Keep checking out the comments on this, as I will update as I can.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
glorious weather
Saturday, April 3, 2010
recent projects
This is one of the requirements of the report: a classroom sketch.
For each day I was there, I had to keep a close record of what was happening, the time, and how I was involved (or what I was doing during that time).
I also had to give three bulletin board ideas to remember, three game/activity ideas to remember, and three time management/organization ideas to remember. The above picture is of a bulletin board idea. This section of the report/portfolio will probably be one of the most useful to add to my teaching file, because of its practicality. As weird as it may sound, I really enjoyed doing this project!
This is just an add on. The secretary at DBC (Daniel's Bible Church, and where I attend down here) bought this craft for us for Easter. It isn't my favorite of all Easter crafts, and I wasn't all for it when I first saw jelly beans, but thought it was a neat way to share the gospel. It is the concept of a wordless book, but instead of a book, it is jelly beans (kind of cool).
Thursday, April 1, 2010
going to reblog again
"April Fools!– 6:30am alarm…*gag* when I finally dragged myself out of my warm cozy bed to take a shower and study for my soc. exam I collected my shower stuff and went to open the door. A task easier than it sounds when you realize that some lovely April fooler decided to celebrate by tying all the door knobs in our hall together with rope so they wouldn’t open… I let out a pathetic whimper in my half asleep state to complain to my sleeping roommate who came to my rescue with scissors and freed me from our room. Crawling through a maze of string running from door to door I finally made my way to the bathroom to begin my day. When I go into the bathroom stall I tried to shut the door until I realized someone had duct taped all of the locks so they couldn’t be shut. Then I realized that they had duct taped all of the toilet paper dispensers so you couldn’t get any TP. All I could do was pathetically laugh because it was 7am and I didn’t have enough energy to do anything else. Ahh April Fools…hahah."