As I had mentioned before, last week was a big week for me, including several projects. This particular project was assigned at the beginning of the semester, and was due on Monday. I had started working on it over spring break, but had become too frustrated, and sadly, had given up. Once I figured out the best way to work on them, they were far more enjoyable, and I am pleased with the overall outcome. Here are a few of my steps (starting after all the research I had done).
I practiced coffee staining a blank map.
Here are all five of my maps, ripped, and coffee to blow dry and put heavy books on them.
Project is now complete and in the folder with the outlines.~~~~~
The next big project I worked on was my Observation Report for the hours of Observation I did while home for Spring Break. There aren't really any pictures of getting to the end project because it was mainly just me sitting at a computer, typing and formatting. I am very pleased with how this portfolio turned out, and also pleased that I had it done over a week early. It ended up being a 30 page project.

This is one of the requirements of the report: a classroom sketch.

For each day I was there, I had to keep a close record of what was happening, the time, and how I was involved (or what I was doing during that time).

I also had to give three bulletin board ideas to remember, three game/activity ideas to remember, and three time management/organization ideas to remember. The above picture is of a bulletin board idea. This section of the report/portfolio will probably be one of the most useful to add to my teaching file, because of its practicality. As weird as it may sound, I really enjoyed doing this project!

This is just an add on. The secretary at DBC (Daniel's Bible Church, and where I attend down here) bought this craft for us for Easter. It isn't my favorite of all Easter crafts, and I wasn't all for it when I first saw jelly beans, but thought it was a neat way to share the gospel. It is the concept of a wordless book, but instead of a book, it is jelly beans (kind of cool).
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