Monday, February 25, 2013

Week #4

What a week and weekend.  Life is crazy insane and I don't see it slowing down until I get back from my honeymoon in just under twelve weeks. 

It was a wonderful week though with a fabulous ending...I was able to be the full time student teacher on Friday!  I absolutely loved it.  Genna had everything planned and set out so that made it a lot easier, but still, I really enjoyed it.  The students were very well  behaved and knew they would not get away with anything different from me.

Teaching Bible and Reading also went very well.  I had been very nervous about teaching reading, only because it was two groups, at different levels.  The Lord helped me though and I ended up really enjoying it.

This week began the lack of sleep though and has me quite tired.  It didn't help that the weekend was crazy busy between working and church activities.

I am in week #5 now though and have added Language to my teaching.  I apologize for this being late, but thank you for your faithful support.  Let me know how you are doing and how I may most specifically pray for you!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week #3

I can hardly believe that I am a quarter of the way through student teaching and get to marry Daniel twelve weeks from yesterday.  My how time flies when you are having fun.

I taught Bible this week.  I had a lot of fun doing it.  Unlike the other subjects, we do not have a "Teaching Bible" class because they assume between our Bible classes (content) and our other teaching classes (technique), that we did not need a class specifically for "Teaching Bible".  I can see the wisdom in that, but it still left me a little nervous, so that is why I did it first (that is how I do things).  I ended up really enjoying teaching this and trying to pass on an excitement for God's Word.  I had my first really big blunder though.  Our memory verse was Psalm 23:5.  We have been working on Psalm 23:1-4 since before I got there.  I have known these verses for years, but froze up.  It was a humbling experience.

I taught an art lesson for both first grade classes.  I was nervous with this because of not knowing the other students, but knowing some of their needs.  It all went well (thanks to the help of the two teaches) and the students really enjoyed the project.  We decorated boxes for their valentines.  The students did this by cutting up lots of pieces of red and pink paper and gluing them to their box.  They then put a sign on their box that read "I love you to pieces!"  I was impressed with how well they all turned out.

I led another PE game and continued Read Aloud.  Both of these went well.  I love the opportunities I have to work with the students.

This week also held some fun celebrations with Valentine's Day.  Tuesday afternoon, I had a handsome visitor waiting for me when I got out of school.  Daniel came up and took me out to olive Garden for Valentine's Day.  We vowed to not talk about school or the wedding.  That ban in conversation was needed and well enjoyed for its time.  I also had fun doing some extra baking for the holiday.  Here are a few pictures!

 The valentines that I made for my students were pencils and a maze that read "You are a-MAZE-ing!"
I made strawberry cake chocolate chip cookies.  I had never made cake cookies, but was impressed with how they turned out.  One cake mix made over three dozen.  The recipe can be found here

I also made some white chocolate covered pretzels with heart sprinkles, but I have a student allergic to milk, so I made goodie bags for some of the girls here on campus.  So they got some pretzels and strawberry cake chocolate chip cookies! 

All of the valentines all ready to go to school with me.
This upcoming week, I add reading to the classes I teach on top of the things I have been doing.  I appreciate your reading this blog and for your support.  Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week #2

My second week began with a snow day being called on Sunday evening.  It was fun knowing ahead of time.  Monday morning I was able to speak in advisor's chapel on campus.  It is different being in these shoes, but I pray I was able to help some of the el ed students see how worth it is.  I don't sugar coat is HARD! is so worth it when you know this is what God has.

I was able to observe four other classes this week, which was fun.  I went in consecutive order which I found very interesting to see the progression in development.  It was fun seeing the variety in teaching styles too.  I learned a lot, to be sure!

I started read aloud this week.  We are reading Junie B. Jones is a Party Animal! I love this time because the students are absolutely captivated by reading.  I make it my personal goal to read with SO much expression...and we all have a blast.

I taught my first two 'real' lessons this week.  On Wednesday, we played Musical Hula Hoops and Rabbit/Coyote.  The students seemed to really enjoy it.  The noise level was hard because we had to do it in the cafeteria with preschoolers napping just down the hallway.  Hopefully we didn't wake any sleeping bears.

On Thursday, I taught an art lesson.  We started the story of Moses and so we made "Moses in the Blushes".  They practiced their skills with scissors.  They colored a picture of baby Moses in a basket, cut it out, and glued it on a blue piece of paper.  They then traced their hands on green paper and cut them out to make the bulrushes.  When glue only at the bottom of the palm, they are able to push the fingers/bulrushes back and see Moses.  They did such a great job, maybe pictures next week!

Parent teacher conferences were on Friday.  It was a little nerve-wracking before they occurred, but my host teacher handled it so well and put me to ease.  I was able to meet two of my students' parents.  It was such a great experience to be able to learn from my host teaching in this setting.

This coming week I start teaching Bible.  I will continue the story of Moses as well as we will add Psalm 23:5 to our Bible memory (they are so good with it).  With it being Valentine's day on Thursday we have some special activities planned.  I will continue Read Aloud (all twelve weeks), probably do another PE lesson, probably another art lesson, learning center, teaching aid, technology highlights, and so on!  If you are praying for me, I thank you!

Also this week, I have a special visitor sweet fiancé!  He wont be up long, but I will take him for as long as I can.
Well folks, this teacher has turned into an ole fuddy duddy and 9:45 means bed time.  So I thank you for taking interest in this great  adventure that the Lord is leading me through called Student Teaching!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week #1

I have successfully completed my first week of student teaching.  It was wonderful to meet the students that I have been praying for.  I have nine precious little first graders in my class.  My host teacher is a friend from college.  She has been a great help in offering experiential advice, information on the students, and what she expects from me.

Unfortunately, by Monday evening, I had picked up some kind of illness.  It is slowly but surely getting better, I think.  It has been in my head, so my ears ache, my nose throbs, my eyes hurt, my teeth hurt, and I am very dizzy a lot of the time.  The Lord has given me the strength to keep going though, and I am so thankful.  I cannot afford to miss any.  Several of the students have been in and out with sickness as well.  Please pray for health, not only for me, but for my class too!

To be honest, life has me rather overwhelmed and stressed right now, but when I take a step back and look, I am thankful for the causes of stress.  I am thankful that the Lord has carried me through four years of college, and gotten me to this point.  He has increased my work load, enabling me to accomplish each step of the way.  The requirements of student teaching will be no exception.  I am thankful for a Godly man that I love and get to marry!  The wedding plans are very stressful right now as (Praise the Lord) our wedding day is quickly approaching.  I am getting a lot of help though from several dear people, helping relieve a bit of the stresses.  I am thankful for a solid Bible church where I am able to attend, worship, and teach publicly.  Why it is so easy to lose sight of the blessing that is, I will never know.  I am thankful that I am about to graduate and will be qualified to teach.  I am thankful for the open doors that the Lord is providing.  Yes, filling out employment applications is not something I have loads of time to do, but I am thankful for how He is opening doors.  So...all in all, I am working hard to focus on the blessings behind the stresses.

The topic of future job is in the making!  I have sent a letter of interest to schools around the area that Daniel and I plan to live.  All glory to God, I have heard back from two!  Neither one was a definite, but the door was not closed for which I am thankful.  This has added more to my work load, but again, Daniel and I are thankful for the open doors and possible opportunities.

as mentioned above, Daniel and my wedding day is quickly fact, we are down to double digits!  He is such a huge support and help as I finish up my schooling.

I hope you all have a wonderful week.  Check back next week to read how Week #2 went.  I will be teaching an art lesson, an indoor PE lesson, and creating a learning center!