The school year was nearing, and I learned that the teaching positions at this school had all been filled. I began applying at new schools, only to hear nothing. There was one week left of summer day camp, the Christian school was starting on Monday, and I had no job. On Sunday night, my supervisor for summer day camp (also the preschool director) approached me about the possibility of working with the preschool this summer. I brought the information home and again my husband and I prayed about it and discussed it. Once again, we were watching the Lord provide. I accepted the offer.
So that brings us to now...
Hello. My name is Mrs. Miller,
and I am a preschool teacher. I am the closing teacher all five days of the week. This means, I come at 3:00 pm so the morning teachers can go home. I wake the students up from their nap, feed them a snack, do an activity with them, take them outside, and other fun things. By 6:00 pm, all parents are to have picked up their child. Most parents will come directly from work, so my students are being picked up throughout the afternoon. I primarily work with the K3 students. The ratio of student to teacher is 15:1. We also have a K4 program. Another teacher is in with them. When the K3 and K4 students combined make 15 or less, we combine the classes and the K4 teacher goes home.
I am enjoying this job. It has taken some adjusting in mental reminders that for the K3 students, this is their first time at school. They are still very much learning how school works. It is a new type of education from what I was trained for in college. Each of my students are as sweet as can be, and I am thrilled for the opportunity to get to spend the school year with them.
In addition to preschool everyday, I work in the kindergarten class on Fridays from 12:00 pm-3:00 pm. I watch the students as they take their nap. While they are napping, I will usually do some grading for the K5 teacher, and file some papers to send home with the students.
Not only do I teach preschool and Kindergarten, but I am also on the subbing list at this school. This week has provided my first subbing high school. Anyone who knows me, knows that junior high and high school is most definitely out of my comfort zone. It has been going well for the most part. I currently also have some days of subbing in the K4 lined up for the end of the month. Excited to see where this leads me.
I do still have the hopes and dreams of being a full time elementary teacher. I have not given this up. At this time, this is what the Lord has for me, and how He is providing. We praise and thank Him for that. I love this school, and would rather have to fill in doing odd jobs while waiting for a full time position, than to teach at some other school right now. I support this school and recommend it. In talking with the headmaster, he did mention that he wants me staying around, and would love to give me a full time teaching position, when in time it becomes available. I have no fear, the Lord will continue to provide, in the way He sees best.
I am thankful to serve Jehovah Jireh...the Lord provides!

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