Saturday, June 26, 2010

training week

Training of week is done, but I will say that I feel as though the week was very beneficial and productive. I have been blessed in getting a lot of this training previous years from a past CEF lady in preperation for our church Vacation Bible School. It was very long, but I am so thankful for the skills I was able to sharpen during the time.

Just a brief overview, there were 42 'students' training to go out and be CEF summer missionaries both in the state of Vermont, and New Hampshire. We had a tight schedule packed full with teaching/classes, demos, and study halls. Each part played a vital role in the overall training, but as weird as it may sound, I most appreciated the time being evaluated during study halls. To rewind a little bit, you learn how to do it in the class (whether it be how to use the wordless book, or how to teach a Bible lesson with the gospel truths), we would then watched the experienced demo it, and then we would study and that have to go do it for an evaluator where we would either "proceed" or "repeat". At first, it was a little nerve-wrecking having to be evaluated as you were teaching a lesson, but I grew to love that time by the end of the week. The evaluators impacted me in just the way they handled the evaluations. They cared about us enough to not be afraid to have us repeat if the truth of the gospel was not clear. I enjoyed the conversations I had with them about the strengths and weaknesses I had, and how I could best improve the clarity of my teaching. The evaluators I had weren't just there to evaluate me though, I had some blessed conversations with each of them where I was encouraged, and where they inquired about what I see for myself in the future. They were each a huge encouragement to me that teaching really is my calling.

I came home feeling very dirty, but very excited. I look forward to teaching the clubs and actually getting to teach several children, instead of one adult with a pencil and clipboard (might I add, an adult who knows all the answers). I have been lazy, and still have yet to unpack or do laundry.

A huge praise is that we have our first week of clubs set up, along with who I will be working with, and who we will be staying with. This is a huge praise because at the beginning of the week, we did not have a host home, but I was able to remember that we have some friends who used to go to church with us who had moved up to the area. They are looking forward to having us there, and I am looking forward to catching up with them. Praise the Lord, for answered prayers.

A prayer request is that I not get overwhelmed, but that I be able to have clarity of thought and that this coming week serve as a restful, rejuvenating time. Also, please pray that I have the right heart attitude throughout the summer.

Thank you all so much for your prayers. Each and every one of them are treasured.

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