Wednesday night was the Harvest Party at my church, and how cute the children were all dressed up (see a few blogs down). We had two Woody's, two fairies, Elmo, a kitty cat, ninja, and a Transformer (whatever that is, haha). They loved dressing up, and enjoyed their costumes. I had to take a few items away during the story, but once those distractions were taken away the children were much easier to talk, and they paid much better attention. They were all so excited about the party, and so after the lesson, we worked on a memory verse, ate some apples and caramel for snack (yum!), and then played a game, and played with musical instruments (fun for the children, instant headache for the teachers). They were a rowdy bunch due to the party, but I am thankful that their most calm time was during the lesson.
I only had one test this week (to which I feel I did well, but have yet to get the official results), and the rest of the week was 'slower' in the sense of studying. We had several Mission's Conference meetings, and I have been doing a bit of work related to that. I had two larger written assignments due Wednesday and Thursday and then the bulletin board due Friday. I actually really enjoyed doing the bulletin board and am mostly pleased with how it turned out.

My parents have been away all week celebrating their 25th anniversary (which was last summer), and I am so happy they have had this opportunity, but my word have I missed them. Either this week has been different, or I tend to call my mom a lot. I can't tell you how many times I reached for my phone to call mom either to tell her something or just to chat because I had a few minutes, only to remember she wouldn't be able to answer. I have found myself missing both my mom and dad a lot this week, and look forward to having them home so mom is more readily available to call. But don't get me wrong, they deserve this, and I hope they are really enjoying this vacation as a vacation and for just the two of them! So thankful for the awesome example they have set me with 25 years!
I have enjoyed a relaxing Saturday, before the craziness begins tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, I leave bright and early to head out with a bunch of other students to help with childcare at a church that is having a big celebration and would like having all of their church people to be able to attend the main service/celebration. Tomorrow evening missionaries begin to arrive for the conference, and Monday morning I attend a President's breakfast with the steering committee, president, and missionaries. This is kind of our kick-off of the conference. If you think of it, prayers would be appreciated in the following areas...
- Safety and health of missionaries traveling
- That all of the finishing touches would be finished in time
- The hearts of those of us attending conference
Thank you for your prayers, and for reading about my week. I pray you are doing well and that you too were able to have an enjoyable weekend!
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