I would say that overall, this has been a good week. I got a lot accomplished, the kiddos at church were well behaved, I have laughed, slept, and had some good time with the Lord! This afternoon and evening, the biggest thing that has been on my mind is how much I miss my sister. Related to that topic, I signed up for my school to observe at over break, and it is only a couple of miles from my sister's high school, so I am hoping to be able to drive her to school and pick her up, and add some special sister time in there too.
As I mentioned above, the kiddos at church did so well on Wednesday. Taco Bell was on the menu, and the children were just much more calm and listened so well. I am so proud of them. I taught about Joseph and so we did a craft of making his coat colorful with various items: felt, ribbon, pipe cleaners, etc. I was a little nervous about giving them so many options, and the glue. Anyone who knows 4-5 year olds know they are at the stage of becoming independent so they want to do the glue. Instead of just saying "no, I will do it" I try to watch them and encourage them so they can do it by themselves, but they can do it responsibly. Another thing I love is the respect those children give me--I am an adult to them, and they look up to me. I love being able to teach them more then just stories, but stories from the Bible, and teaching them life lessons. I just love all those kiddos so much and am so thankful for the opportunity God has given me at this dear church.

This week I have been working super super hard on drinking more water, and good granny. Do you know how hard it is to drink the amount of water you are supposed to? Well let me tell you, it is very hard! My faithful pink nalgene has come in big handy as I try to keep track. I challenge you, try it!
I am super excited as well, because I get to go home in 21 days for spring break and to do my week of public school observations. If it is like last spring break at a Christian school, it is an absolute blast, but it is extremely exhausting. I love being being a teacher, and in the classroom. Praying that the classroom I am placed in works out well and I learn lots of positive 'stuff' over break. Also, in 29 days, I get to see Daniel. I decided to fly down to VA to see him at the end of my break, and the beginning of his break. I am looking forward to that time with him and his parents!
Last weekend, the weather was beautiful, I had my window open, with the crisp spring breeze blowing in, but Tuesday night, I walked to dinner, and this is what I found...
I will give it credit that it is beautiful, but after having the taste of spring, I am more then ready for spring to come and stay.
Anyways, I hope you all have a lovely weekend. I am looking forward to a productive day tomorrow working on an art lesson plan, and a few other projects. Remember that our sole purpose in life is to bring glory to the Lord! Feel free to send me a note-I would be more then happy to reply.
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