Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day #4 of Week #5

Shew wee has this week been exhausting. But as one person was reminding me that it is the joy of the Lord that is my strength. It has been a week that I have been learning quite practically that I do nothing of my own strength. This week has brought sickness and severe exhaustion, but God has been good, and I feel as though I am on the recovery. Still fighting a sore throat and runny/stuffy (not an oxymoron, though you may disagree) nose. I am trying to get as much rest as possible and just take it easy. Although all my previous host homes would have handled it great, I must admit that I am happy to be home while all of this is happening. Thank you for prayers, and please keep them coming. I don't want to let my guard down for my very last day of clubs this summer.

The children at both clubs have been a lot of fun, which has helped things out a bit. Our first club is a three hour VBS and I went into it very blindly not knowing exactly what my responsibilities would be. I got there, and realized that just about everything was the responsibility of Corey and I, which added some stress. But as always, God was good and has helped work the schedule out perfectly where we keep the kids (and us teachers) busy for all three of the hours. It has stretched my creativity skills in the athletic department as the group consists of more older guys. Our second club has been a blast for me as the majority of the children are from my church and children I have done a bit of babysitting for. They have been full of energy and great sports. One of the things I love about the second club is their enthusiasm. It is every CEF teachers dream to be overwhelmed at the beginning of club when all the children swarm you saying "Miss Rebekah, may I say my memory verse to you?" "Miss Rebekah, here is my challenge card" "Miss Rebekah, I brought back my mailbox club for the mailbox" "Miss Rebekah, last night I was telling my dad about the story" as I sit there and have to bring myself back from whatever world I go to from the excitement of their enthusiasm for spiritual things.

Thank you so much for your prayers this past week. Clubs are going well, and I am praying that Corey and I find the Lord's strength tomorrow as we complete these two clubs. Praise the Lord, that Corey still seems to be healthy, and we are praying that it continues that way.

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