Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Week #7

I am going to be honest with you....life has picked up, and very very quickly.  I feel as though both wedding planning and student teaching have gone full forward.  I am tired and simply finding their are not enough moments in a day.  My fiancé is so good... he answered his phone tonight (after midnight) after I call crying because one of my students failed a test.  I never knew this would affect me this way, but at the same time am thankful for the love and genuine care that the Lord has given me towards my students.  Daniel listened to me blab on and on about my woes, and simply reminded me of his love and prayed with me.  He prayed for my students.  Ladies, find yourself a man who brings your many sorrows to the Lord with you.

I promise, week 7 was good...great in fact!  I love having full control.  It really gives a whole new perspective on teaching.  I love the flexibility it offers, and the many opportunities for cross curricular application.  I still enjoy teaching language the most, but I also really enjoy teaching spelling.  There are so many games that can be played with spelling and I enjoy researching and implementing them into my lesson.

Monday started with oversleeping...I never ever want to relive that feeling.  I woke up at 7:53 and was at school by 8:03.  Without going into long detail, I was really able to see God at work through this situation though.

Daniel drove to VA on Tuesday to finish loading stuff that had been stored at his grandparent's.  On Wednesday he got the keys to our apartment.  I hated missing this experience with him, but we both knew that I needed to stay here.  Him and his parents put in some long hours.  I have seen pictures and a personalized Skype tour of the apartment and am pleased.  It will be a nice first home for us.  Thankful for how the Lord provides, both big and small.

The week finished off very well with school.  I find my eyes being more opened to the reality of the many hats a teacher wears.  Teaching her students is one of many expectations of a teacher.  I am learning a lot from my host teacher and asking questions galore.

Pray for strength this week, as I am tired.  Pray for clarity of mind as I think and teach, and pray that my teaching would be clear to the students.   I also ask that you pray for my students.  I have nine sweet first graders (3 girls, and 6 boys).  If there is any way I could pray for you, I would be delighted to, please just let me know!  Take care!

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