Thursday, December 20, 2012

it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...

I love college, but as hard as they try, it never quite feels like Christmas while at college.  I had the privilege of taking my exams early (because they were "in the drawer" to "take on your own time"), and so I was done academically by Friday mid-afternoon.  It was an amazing feeling.  My academic semesters are done and behind me-yikes!  Where has the time gone?  Because I am moving, I had to be checked out completely from my room by Saturday, so to add to the end-of-the-semester craziness, I was working on packing and moving.  I took a much needed break Friday night to go to the home of a couple from my church with some other college students and had a splendid time.  One thing I have been most blessed by during my college days is dear people willing to open their home and hearts to us college students.  Thankfully Daniel helped me move a bunch of stuff while he was on campus on Tuesday.  Saturday, I cleaned my room until it sparkled, and was checked out by mid-afternoon.

Saturday evening I drove in the pouring rain south to spend a few days with Daniel.  I expected to have to wander around Wal-Mart for some time until Daniel got off work, but as I walked into the store he was told he was able to go home, so I left and picked him up.  Sappy as it may be, it was so good to see him, even if we had just seen each other on Saturday.  We were able to go to church together on Sunday.  Monday afternoon we drove to Virginia in time to go to the Christmas cantata that his mom was singing in at the church his parents have been serving with.  The cantata was wonderful.  They did a special 'tribute' to the ones affected by the Newtown shooting.  The cantata's theme was "Peace on Earth" as we were challenged to think of peace as the presence of God.  Daniel's sister came over Tuesday and enjoyed a day all together.  

Wednesday morning, Daniel and I went back where I caught a flight home.  I was able to catch both flights which was a huge answer to prayer.  Grandpa and Grandma picked me up at the airport, and we went shopping before heading home.  It was so good to be home.

Being both with my family and future family has helped it feel like Christmas.  Seeing the home decorated Christmas trees, with the Christmas treats and sounds have been such a warm feeling.  Mom and I have some good time of visiting today as I am amazed at the woman I have been able to grow up under.  She has been baking cinnamon rolls all day using my Grandma Hewitt's recipe, how special.  My sister and I have had some good time tonight, and Dad has provided many laughs for us girls tonight.  We tell him frequently how privileged he is to live with all girls!

On a sober note, my heart aches for those connected and involved with the Newtown school shooting.  I may not yet be a teacher but my heart is already a teacher's heart.  Daniel and I had just been talking days before the shooting about how as a teacher, I will do whatever it takes to protect my children if a situation similar to this arose.  Having this situation come brought the reality to heart and mind.  I find my eyes continually welling up with tears as I think of these families now without their dear children for Christmas, and the rest of their years growing up.  As a teacher, how do you move on and teach when you have heard and seen this horrific shooting?  It is only by the grace of God that we can wake up to a new day and breathe, knowing that God is still on the throne.  This situation hits close to my heart, and I will remember 12.14.12, and ask that you do the same.  Remember all involved and pray that through this terrible situation, that they be drawn to the Lord.

I have only watched The Voice a few times, but I appreciate their tribute...

Saturday, December 8, 2012

this time next week...

...I will be done with my semester, heading to North Caroline to spend a few days with that sweet man I get to marry.  I can hardly believe that my last academic semester is almost behind me.  Where did my college time go?  I have one week left of dorm life.  The Lord has been gracious in His providing for me.  I will be sharing an apartment next semester with a friend of mine.  She is on staff here at ABC and she too is engaged to get married on June 1st.  I think this will work out quite well.

Lord willing, this time next week all of my school work for this semester will be done and of the past.  I still have to revise a lesson plan, create a unit plan, take three exams, pack, and move.  Daniel will be here on Tuesday for us to do a pre-marital counseling session and then he has ever so kindly offered to help me move.  I won't move everything on Tuesday, but hopefully everything that I don't need in the next week will be moved to the apartment then.

The current plan right now is to spend a few days with Daniel, and a day with him and his family.  Please be in prayer as we will be trying to do some planning for our future [scouting out some Christian schools I may be able to teach at, possible housing, etc.].  The Lord knows, and we are simply praying that we have the wisdom and direction.  On Monday, he and I will travel to Virginia to celebrate Christmas.  On Wednesday, I will fly home for Christmas break.  I have some lofty ideas for Christmas break, and am scared I am setting myself up for failure.  I have lots I would like to do, while also hoping to have a very restful break.  All prayers appreciated.

Loving the Christmas season, but not totally feeling it yet.  I think that will change once I am with the ones I love [that is not to say I don't love the people here, but Christmas is a time for family {and my future family}].  I trust you are having a lovely Christmas season remembering the ultimate gift we received over two thousand years ago.  Joy and Peace to you.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

a week and a half left

This week is half over.  I don't know if that makes me happy for scared.  I have a week and a half to finish all work, take exams, and completely pack and clean my room....yikes.  Praise the Lord for working housing out for me to stay next semester where I will have a kitchen.  I am excited to continue to watch Him work in this situation.  I have been working on several end-of-the-semester projects, and this week has been focused mainly on my science teaching.  I am teaching a unit on simple machines to a class of twenty fourth graders.  A specific prayer request related to that would be that the Lord give me wisdom with classroom management.  I have two students who are constantly bickering and causing major distractions.  I have tried separating them, and they start it with the next.  We aren't even talking quiet distractions, these are yelling distractions calling all students' attention.  I don't want to give up on them, but they are not catching much of the lesson, and neither are their classmates because of these two.  I have had a lot of fun teaching though and while this week has been exhausting with it [and I was just telling Daniel today how ready I was for this to be done], I do realize my love for teaching when I am with the kids.  College has been wonderful and taught me so much, but I am ready to get out on the field and be with the precious children.

I still have two days left to this week, and am eager to see what I can get accomplished.  I have two big assignments due next week that will grab the majority of my attention, but I am ready to work hard on them, and then have them done.  I should be able to relax some over Christmas break, and I am so thankful.  My body this week, especially, has really felt the absolute exhaustion that college brings.  This semester has been exhausting emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  The countdown is six more class days, a study day, and three weekend days, and I am off for the semester.  All prayers appreciated.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Break was a wonderful time, but between the trip back down and the stresses of the remaining projects to do before the end of the semester, I no longer felt the rest and relaxation of break.  I went into it though knowing there were only three weeks.  That brought mixed feelings, for sure.

Here are a few pictures from break that I took.

My darling mother really struggles with keeping her eyes open for pictures, this is like our tenth try. 

 Scott was not thrilled to have me taking his picture.

 Be Mom made a pumpkin white chocolate cheese cake.

 Don't forget the football.

I finally feel "caught up" and like I can breathe again.  This weekend, there was a lot going on, on top of lots of work I really needed to get done.  The work went quicker then I expected, allowing me to get caught up and get a tiny bit ahead.  Wing decorations were this past weekend and my wing decorated with the theme "Over the River and Through the Woods" with a holler theme.  Here are some pictures from our wing.

For wing decorations, they open the dorms for everyone to view after the Christmas concert on Saturday night and on Sunday night.  We had lots of visitors.

Another thing I have been working on is my behavior system.  I did a movie theme and each student goes through a warning system depending on the color they have.  Like for example if they do something that needs it, I will tell them to "take a card" where they switch it to the next color, and each color has a different discipline.  I won't bog you down with all of the details.  But here are some pictures...
 So thankful for the helpful tools my sweet fiance has given throughout the years: a Cricut and laminator...both such huge elementary education helps.

Some fun happy news:

  • While on break, I went dress shopping with my mom and sister and I got my dress.
  • The other day while getting ready to leave an observation, two of the students began begging that I not leave and said "Miss Hewitt, please don't leave, you bring fun to this room".  I was touched both by their sentiment and their choice of words.
  • Today, my housing arrangements were finalized for next semester.  Praising the Lord and looking forward to seeing how He provides the details related.
Anyways...I am going to get back to work.  I have less then two weeks here before break, and lots to do.  Gotta get back to crossing things off the list.


I just wanted to offer my readers a quick explanation.  It has been a few weeks since I have posted because a] life has been busy, and b] because I had several fun pictures to upload and when I went to do it, I got a notification that I had used up all of my space.  Curpooey.  I could not figure out how to delete old pictures for the life of me.  Thankfully I have a super awesome and smart fiance who ever so nonchalantly suggested "try this...". works.

All that being said, if you go back to old posts, expect entries to talk about pictures that aren't actually there. It is not your mind going bad [though it could potentially be that too].  I am sorry I was unable to keep them there, but I was unwilling to pay money to put pictures on my blog, sorry folks.

So alas, there is an elaborate explanation for a simple problem you probably would not have even noticed, had I not said anything, haha.