Saturday, September 29, 2012

random happenings

The weekend has been wonderful...and productive!  I have gotten a bunch of homework done, which is so helpful (considering the special visitor I have coming tomorrow).  This evening has been a little more relaxed homework wise but I have done some much needed laundry.  The biggest need was my sheets and towels.  I will say though that I love doing laundry!

 Notice my bed is even made with the new sheets, and all of my clothes are folded.  The hardest part is still to come in putting them away though.

Here are just some other random pictures from the beginning of the week with my sweet fiance.  While together, we worked on some registering.  Thankfully (unlike our engagement), we remembered to document this fun occasion.
 (This picture is Daniel's Mom's that I am stealing for my blog)  Daniel's parents treated us to Japenese steak house as a celebration of our engagement.  I had never been to one before, but I do hope to go to one again.  It was such fun!

 Here are a few funny pictures from our engagement pictures.  I get a kick out of our faces every time.  I wish I could remember what was being said in these pictures.

Well, let those last two pictures end this post with a smile!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Engagement Pictures

As mentioned earlier, I had a wonderful 'weekend' in Virginia with my fiance and his parents and grandparents.  While there we got some engagement pictures taken by his Dad.  I give all photo credit to my future in-laws!  Sit back, enjoy your hot beverage of choice and once you are done looking through these, we would welcome your prayers as we venture into this new phase of life.  It is Daniel and my goal to have our love be an example of Christ's love and that our love may point people to Christ (while drawing us closer to Him too).

We hope you enjoy!

We have settled on our wedding date being May 11, 2013!  We will be sending out formal invitations.

Thanks for taking interest in our engagement.  We covet your prayers!

Be still.

‎Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
-Psalm 46:10-

I am absolutely overcome by this verse.  Just let those words resonate in still.  We can be still because we know that He is GOD!  Take comfort and peace in that.  I am working on reading "31 Days of Praise" by Ruth Myers and she puts words to my thoughts, "Thank You that I can "be still" (cease striving, let go, relax) and know that You are God...that You are in control...and that I can restfully depend upon You and absorb Your strength and joy and peace."  I couldn't have said it better.

Along these lines, I have recently been able to bask in God's goodness. Long story short, I (personally) was unable to pay my school bill that is due today (Friday).  Daniel and I had talked and prayed about it and while not wanting to put God in a box of how and when He would provide, we knew we needed to be responsible.  Daniel was going to help me out (because God had provided for him through work-Praise the Lord!).  We were on the phone working out the last details when I opened my email to find an email from the business office essentially saying I hadn't gotten the most recent statement and in fact I only owed $x dollars.  Daniel and I were both speechless.  We have the head knowledge to know God will provide in mysterious ways, but seeing it in this way, and for us to experience this together, was wonderful.  I know God will not always provide in that way.  At times He will provide the finances through the work He has provided for us to do.  All that to say, I am praising God and basking in His goodness as I BE STILL.

I don't share that to brag or be boastful because that is nothing of my doing.  It was all God!  I do that to encourage you (as I so often need) that God is God and we can bask in that, knowing that He will provide.  May He be exalted!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I just got back from a wonderful time in Virginia!  It wasn't a long visit (or long enough), but we got a lot accomplished.  One of those things was engagement pictures.  Daniel's Dad took them with the help of Daniel's Mom's placing!  Here is a teaser of more to come!

Friday, September 21, 2012

guess who got her ring back?!

I did!

I am one happy girl to have her ring back.  I was on the phone with mom (slightly panicking) asking "what do I do if they don't have it ready? That is simply not acceptable." when I got the beep in my ear of an incoming call.  After a squeal, I politely picked up the phone and was delighted to hear my ring was ready. In my defense, I did mention to her "I am working on keeping in mind that the day is not done yet, so they have not failed quite yet".  Unfortunetly, I was still freaking out a bit.  It was definitely a very long 2 and a half weeks.

For Friday night, my evening has been a bit dry.  I got on an academic kick and got a bunch done.  I have all my homework done for Monday through Friday with the exception of one assignment that is due on Friday.  I am feeling very good about that!  Hooray for a productive evening.  This will allow me to enjoy my time in VA all the more, wedding planning with my fiance and simply enjoying his presence.

One of my recent assignments has been to create a schedule.  It sounded fun and easy until she gave us the requirements and what has to be involved in our schedule. Such as: you have two students taking music lessons that will be out at such and such a time, you like to read aloud to your students every day, school ends one hour early on Fridays, you have lunch duty on Tuesday and Thursday and dismissal duty on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and so you will need to leave your class fifteen minutes early, this age group is required to have two recesses, and the list went on and on (a solid page).  I loved the thought of thinking practically, but quickly found myself severely intimidated.  This is really how it is.  Teaching is HARD work.  My heart goes out to the students with music lessons not wanting them to miss any important time, but that is simply not possible.  Reading and Math should be for longer then forty-five minutes, but that isn't possible when you are required to get everything else in.

if you have not yet noticed, if you click on the image, it will enlarge

I respect teachers, I respect them a lot.  Classroom  management is intense.  It is far more then your philosophy on discipline.  You have 5-30 little lives in your hands that parents have entrusted to you.  You are to teach them academics, while nurturing them spiritually, emotionally, socially, and all of the other -allys. It is such a huge role, and truly and honor.  I find myself feeling very inadequate and incapable, but I have to catch myself.  God has given me such a desire in my heart to love and teach children.  I wouldn't be able to settle for doing anything else.  This is God's call on my life, and I am to fulfill it.  Am I inadequate? yeah.  But God has called me to do this and therefore, He will carry me through it and help me every step of the way.  I am humbled to have been given such an awesome responsibility.

I ask two things of you...Number One: Think of the people you know in your lives that are teachers.  Think of your children's teachers.  Tell them thank you. Number Two: Pray for those teachers, and lift them up to the Lord because they have a huge (and awesome) task.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I get my ring back this week!

I am sorry but once again, I have no new pictures.  I even checked in hopes I might have a picture, even if it were a boring one.  But alas, I do not have any at all.  My deepest apologies.

Academics are definitely beginning to pick up.  I had my first observation for the semester on Tuesday and what a blessing that was.  I know my time in the college classroom is essential, but I am eager to be in the elementary classroom with the kiddos.  It was so good to be with them.  When one of the students was answering the question "Who is your best friend?", she replied "her!" while pointing to me, Miss Rebekah.

Chapel on Wednesday was such a blessing as we skyped with one of our 2012 graduates who is now teaching over in China.  I find myself missing last year's seniors a lot.  It was so good to hear about her experiences teaching.

Some exciting news is that I am to get my ring back this week.  I keep my phone on me all times, so I can pick it up just as soon as they say so.  On Monday I get to go to Virginia and spend some time with Daniel and his parents and his grandparents.  Very eager for that time with him and his family.  I pathetically miss him and am beyond ready to be with him again, even if it is only for a short time.  Speaking of that fiance of mine, he is back in TX this weekend to be in his best friend's wedding.  I expect he will enjoy the time with several of his college friends again and though he isn't a huge fan of TX, I think he will enjoy that time being back.

Well, I am off to work on my lesson plan for tomorrow teaching my peers what concept attainment is.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

no classes today

Today is Tuesday and I therefore have no classes.  In fear I would not get anything accomplished today, I made myself a schedule.  I finished my last task about fifteen minutes early, so I am going to give a quick update....

Classes are going well!  I am in all teaching classes and very much enjoying that.  I find myself getting VERY excited to teach and have begun looking at schools to possibly teach at after I graduate.  Currently it is simply a list, as a lot more needs to be decided before that, but the process has begun!  In our Teaching Social Studies class, my professor highlights important days as we come to them.  Yesterday we did a highlight on 9/11.  I find it hitting me more this year then every before.  We talked about how many deaths there were, but how many were so affected by 9/11 that they will never be the same way as they were before.  We watched a short video which showed some firemen all tattered and torn, blood all over their face, weeping over the loss of their loved ones in their squadron.  It breaks me heart to see how lightly I have taken this even in the past, when I see truly what a HUGE impact it has had.  It has made me much more thankful for the men and women doing so much and sacrificing their lives for the safety of others.

It is so good to be back with my kiddos at church.  I love each of them so dearly.  One little boy warms my heart each time I see him as I brace myself for the hug he is about to give me (that could easily plow me over if I were not prepared).  I love their childlike faith in awe for our God.  Hope I get to stay in touch with them as they get older and become adults, to see what God has in store for their lives.

Engagement is going well.  I am missing my ring immensely as it had to be re-sized, but am missing my fiance even more.  He has been working hard with required overtime.  In one weeks period of time, he worked overtime four times (which means he stays all night, since his shift ends at 12:30am), or 28.75 hours just in overtime (not including his 50 'regular' hours). We are coming along nicely on wedding and marriage plans.  We have premarital counseling all lined up and are eager to learn from that time with a dear couple.  We have decided officially on the date of May 11th!  It is so exciting to be working towards a date.

My family at home is doing well but crazy busy.  My paternal grandma has not been doing well in health and last week fell, doing damage to her pelvis bone.  She seems to be healing well, but there have been many adjustments to that.  My sister is in her senior year of high school which simply boggles my mind!  My maternal grandparents just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a celebration.  My aunt from Maine, and uncle from Connecticut surprised my grandparents by coming in to celebrate.  I missed being able to be home and celebrate with them.

Enjoy your Tuesday, and please, drop me an email sometime. I would love to hear from you!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Senior Year Room

 Welcome to Room 119.  This year I am in the basement of the old dorm (different from last year).

 When you first walk in my door, this is the opposite corner.  I intend to put a sheet on my top bunk and use that for easy studying. 
 My bulletin boards are still quite empty, I realize.
 Do you see how this is different from my other rooms?  I have no sink.  That has added a big change, but I am adjusting.  My sink fits in that spot quite nicely.

 My desk area...the first time it has been clean thus far this semester.
 I like the Christmas lights around my dresser.
I love to decorate with pictures...and flowers, haha.

To see my room from previous years, you can check them out here: Freshman (no pictures, sorry), Sophomore, and Junior.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Imitate Christ

I am so overwhelmed by the character of God that I am busting at the seems and don't know where to begin.  One thing I have been convicted on for several years is that so many Christians worry about the rights and wrongs of Christianity.  As many of us have learned, that is so difficult, and a lot of times, where we get into legalism.  I believe the solution to this problem is to simply strive to obey the command, "imitate Christ".  If our ultimate goal is to imitate Christ, then we will being doing the rights of Christianity without necessarily knowing it.

In my conviction on this topic, I strive to focus my life on knowing who Christ is.  I know I am far from ever achieving this, but I am trying.  There are so many reasons beyond this though that I think we should get to know Him.

  • He is the one who created me, I want to know my creator
  • He loves me, which allows me to love Him, which builds a desire to know Him intimately
  • I want to please Him, therefore I need to know what pleases Him, in order for me to do it
  • He loved me enough to die for me, I want to know who this man is who loves me that much
The list could go on.  Learning who Christ is, is such a refreshing time.  I find His character overwhelming in knowing I will never I will never achieve.  But as elementary as it may seem, I find myself asking "What would Jesus do?".  When I go to sit down for lunch, would He always go sit with his friends, or go get to know the freshman?  Would He skim read His homework and finish it just to finish it?  Would He love that person that is driving you crazy?  Would he exaggerate the truth?  The questions could go on and on.

This afternoon in my quiet time, I was focusing on His character and I am again flabbergasted.  I just can't believe this is who I get to love.  He is the one who loves me. He is the one who loved me enough to die for me.  That's my God!  

Being engaged and preparing for a wedding and marriage, romance is on my mind a lot.  God defines romance.  When Daniel and I were newly engaged, I was worrying about something (big surprise there, huh?) and he brought a good point out to me, "Becky, I want you to bring this to the author of our story."  WOW!  God, who is like the most romantic ever, wrote my love story. 

God's character is so beyond the human mind, and ashamedly, I got discouraged sometimes that I can't understand Him or grasp a certain verse about Him.  But I am thankful for the humans in my life who love me, and serve as a human example of God's love.  I so readily see my sinfulness and shortcomings, and then I see how forgiving Daniel is towards that and loves me.  I then take a step backwards and think about how much Daniel loves me, yet the Lord loves me a million times more.  So if Daniel can forgive me, can not my creator who loves me so much more forgive me too.  Don't get me wrong, I do not think for one moment I am deserving of either Daniel nor God's forgiveness, I am just unbelievable grateful.  I say this all out of thankfulness for the people God has placed in my life who help me better understand His character (through their imitating Christ).

My parents are another example.  Good granny, they had to raise me.  I am sure I have given them many stressful times in their life, yet they still love me, they still advise me, they still help me.

I know my thoughts are scattered.  I just want to draw your attention to the question, "if there was only one thing you could do with your life to make it count, what would it be?"  I have really been thinking about that for me, it is probably to imitate Christ.  I want to continue to fall more in love with Him, and make the conscious effort to get to know Him better, so that His character "rubs off on me".  He holds the highest of standards, but I want that for my life too.  

I have posted this video before, but I encourage you to watch it again.  This is MY GOD!