Thursday, April 1, 2010

going to reblog again

I thought I would share my best friend's April Fool's experience....enjoy reading this article from her blog "Whats Wright in 407":

"April Fools!– 6:30am alarm…*gag* when I finally dragged myself out of my warm cozy bed to take a shower and study for my soc. exam I collected my shower stuff and went to open the door. A task easier than it sounds when you realize that some lovely April fooler decided to celebrate by tying all the door knobs in our hall together with rope so they wouldn’t open… I let out a pathetic whimper in my half asleep state to complain to my sleeping roommate who came to my rescue with scissors and freed me from our room. Crawling through a maze of string running from door to door I finally made my way to the bathroom to begin my day. When I go into the bathroom stall I tried to shut the door until I realized someone had duct taped all of the locks so they couldn’t be shut. Then I realized that they had duct taped all of the toilet paper dispensers so you couldn’t get any TP. All I could do was pathetically laugh because it was 7am and I didn’t have enough energy to do anything else. Ahh April Fools…hahah."

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