Friday, April 23, 2010

IMPACT, CEF, and a lovely care package

IMPACT weekend has finally arrived and I am so excited to meet my girls! Please be praying that this time we have with them (Fri evening through Saturday afternoon) is a life changing time for them. Please pray that their hearts be softened. I am counseling the girls from two churches (each church could be bringing only one girl, so I have no idea how many that means I have) and hoping they find both encouragement from my words, and The Word. This year's theme is Awaken and comes from Romans 13:11 "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed."

Also, I called about another job for this summer. I am seriously considering working as a CEF summer missionary in Vermont doing 5 day clubs. Please pray for me as I prayerfully consider this option.

Another tid bit of excitement for me is a care package from my mom (totally blog worthy). I was walking down to the post office hoping to get some good mail today and vaguely imaging the little laminated piece of paper that reads "You have a UPS package", and I opened my mailbox, and there it was--the little laminated piece of paper that reads "You have a UPS package". I was so excited. I gave it to Mrs. Chesley and she said "a big orange box" and I smiled and responded "must be from my parents, thank you!" I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I walked back to my room to open the lovely package. My mom is awesome--she sent me a package to help me make it through the last week and a half at ABC including: granola, banana bread, Dove dark chocolate, Vermont maple hard candy, Apple Cinnamon tea, M 'n Ms and a lovely note. I most definitely won't run out of my fill of sweets before they come and pick me up (13 days!). Anyways, I just wanted to remind you all of what a fantastic mom I have, and to let her know just how much I appreciate her and the package she sent me (Thanks, Mom! I love you.)

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Enjoy meeting with God on Sunday!

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