Saturday, April 9, 2011

spring has sprung

Alas, another week has come and gone.  It has been a crazy week, but so productive and rewarding.  I had several projects due throughout the week.  I am pleased to say the Lord carried me through the week and I was able to complete all of the projects due.

Spring has sprung here on campus, and is absolutely beautiful.  There is a tree right outside my window that is in full bloom with gorgeous white flowers.  The grass is being mowed, and I am enjoying seeing the newness of God's creation.  On Thursday afternoon, I went out on the front porch for a while and worked on homework.  The fresh air was such an encouragement, and I enjoyed getting some Vitamin K.  I am telling ya, if you want spring, come to WV.  Tonight we are getting severe thunderstorms, but if you are anything like me, you like those too.

Last night was extremely productive getting two papers completed, a project 75% done, and proofing half of what turned out to be a 33+ page paper.  I took full advantage of sleeping in this morning, and then got right to work finishing my 33+ page paper/project/portfolio.  I then got some laundry done and got ready for the day before I went to lunch.  After lunch I worked more on the project that had been 75% completed last night.  A few friends and I then walked down to the married student's 'yard' sale.  We hiked back up the steps and hill in the high heat and humidity.  It was fun taking the walk with friends.  Krisi then picked me up and we went to a Pampered Chef party hosted by a lady from church.  It was fun to get out of the dorm, and we made a ranch veggie pizza, it was quite delicious.  I got the rest of that project done and then came on over to work.  Work is dead tonight, and I am all motivated out (aka: I have used all my motivation in the last 30 hours).

I have taken a few random pictures lately, so enjoy!

 A cube I made out of origami for my art portfolio

I feel like my life is full of lists (yes, I realize this is from last weekend) 

Wha ha ha, I was the stand in RA earlier this week for my RA who went out of town for the night. 

 This is the art project I taught for my Elementary Art Methods class.  It was a lesson for 2nd graders on texture.

I love grapes. 

The beautiful tree outside my window...I love spring!

1 comment:

  1. I love how the Easter egg project turned out. Love you tons! MOM
