Thursday, July 8, 2010

update on the first week

This week has been,, very very hot! The past three days we have been over one-hundred degrees, which I feel has hindered the attendance to our clubs, because it is just too hot to go out when you could stay home in your ACed home, or you could go to your next-door-neighbor's pool. But the heat did not catch the Lord by surprise and we have had wonderful attendance at our first club.

Each day the numbers have climbed for our first club and today we had nine children. Praise the Lord, our first club is in an ACed living room which helps a lot, and helps the children's energy level that seems to severely decrease in the heat. My partner, Joy, and I have had a blast getting to know these children and have been able to relax to the point of enjoying teaching and having fun with the children.

Our second club has been much different. For the first three days we had no one besides our team (including the hostess). All credit goes to the Lord when I say I never really got overly discouraged though knowing that the Lord has planned this before I even knew I was going to do CEF this summer. We had some wonderful time in prayer praying for the other teams we knew were teaching. Yesterday, Joy and I taught the club to the hostess as if there were children there, in hopes some children would come on over to check it out. No children ended up coming, but it was a blessing to each of us to get the practice and become more comfortable and familiar with the material. Today we were getting ready to do the same thing when two people from the hostess' church walked up the hill to the picnic table we were at. We were able to do a club, and what a blessing it was. Joy and I both enjoyed the interaction from them, and walked away feeling encouraged and refreshed.

Praise God for the mighty work he has been doing this week. All glory and honor belongs to Him!

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