Thursday, December 20, 2012

it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...

I love college, but as hard as they try, it never quite feels like Christmas while at college.  I had the privilege of taking my exams early (because they were "in the drawer" to "take on your own time"), and so I was done academically by Friday mid-afternoon.  It was an amazing feeling.  My academic semesters are done and behind me-yikes!  Where has the time gone?  Because I am moving, I had to be checked out completely from my room by Saturday, so to add to the end-of-the-semester craziness, I was working on packing and moving.  I took a much needed break Friday night to go to the home of a couple from my church with some other college students and had a splendid time.  One thing I have been most blessed by during my college days is dear people willing to open their home and hearts to us college students.  Thankfully Daniel helped me move a bunch of stuff while he was on campus on Tuesday.  Saturday, I cleaned my room until it sparkled, and was checked out by mid-afternoon.

Saturday evening I drove in the pouring rain south to spend a few days with Daniel.  I expected to have to wander around Wal-Mart for some time until Daniel got off work, but as I walked into the store he was told he was able to go home, so I left and picked him up.  Sappy as it may be, it was so good to see him, even if we had just seen each other on Saturday.  We were able to go to church together on Sunday.  Monday afternoon we drove to Virginia in time to go to the Christmas cantata that his mom was singing in at the church his parents have been serving with.  The cantata was wonderful.  They did a special 'tribute' to the ones affected by the Newtown shooting.  The cantata's theme was "Peace on Earth" as we were challenged to think of peace as the presence of God.  Daniel's sister came over Tuesday and enjoyed a day all together.  

Wednesday morning, Daniel and I went back where I caught a flight home.  I was able to catch both flights which was a huge answer to prayer.  Grandpa and Grandma picked me up at the airport, and we went shopping before heading home.  It was so good to be home.

Being both with my family and future family has helped it feel like Christmas.  Seeing the home decorated Christmas trees, with the Christmas treats and sounds have been such a warm feeling.  Mom and I have some good time of visiting today as I am amazed at the woman I have been able to grow up under.  She has been baking cinnamon rolls all day using my Grandma Hewitt's recipe, how special.  My sister and I have had some good time tonight, and Dad has provided many laughs for us girls tonight.  We tell him frequently how privileged he is to live with all girls!

On a sober note, my heart aches for those connected and involved with the Newtown school shooting.  I may not yet be a teacher but my heart is already a teacher's heart.  Daniel and I had just been talking days before the shooting about how as a teacher, I will do whatever it takes to protect my children if a situation similar to this arose.  Having this situation come brought the reality to heart and mind.  I find my eyes continually welling up with tears as I think of these families now without their dear children for Christmas, and the rest of their years growing up.  As a teacher, how do you move on and teach when you have heard and seen this horrific shooting?  It is only by the grace of God that we can wake up to a new day and breathe, knowing that God is still on the throne.  This situation hits close to my heart, and I will remember 12.14.12, and ask that you do the same.  Remember all involved and pray that through this terrible situation, that they be drawn to the Lord.

I have only watched The Voice a few times, but I appreciate their tribute...

Saturday, December 8, 2012

this time next week...

...I will be done with my semester, heading to North Caroline to spend a few days with that sweet man I get to marry.  I can hardly believe that my last academic semester is almost behind me.  Where did my college time go?  I have one week left of dorm life.  The Lord has been gracious in His providing for me.  I will be sharing an apartment next semester with a friend of mine.  She is on staff here at ABC and she too is engaged to get married on June 1st.  I think this will work out quite well.

Lord willing, this time next week all of my school work for this semester will be done and of the past.  I still have to revise a lesson plan, create a unit plan, take three exams, pack, and move.  Daniel will be here on Tuesday for us to do a pre-marital counseling session and then he has ever so kindly offered to help me move.  I won't move everything on Tuesday, but hopefully everything that I don't need in the next week will be moved to the apartment then.

The current plan right now is to spend a few days with Daniel, and a day with him and his family.  Please be in prayer as we will be trying to do some planning for our future [scouting out some Christian schools I may be able to teach at, possible housing, etc.].  The Lord knows, and we are simply praying that we have the wisdom and direction.  On Monday, he and I will travel to Virginia to celebrate Christmas.  On Wednesday, I will fly home for Christmas break.  I have some lofty ideas for Christmas break, and am scared I am setting myself up for failure.  I have lots I would like to do, while also hoping to have a very restful break.  All prayers appreciated.

Loving the Christmas season, but not totally feeling it yet.  I think that will change once I am with the ones I love [that is not to say I don't love the people here, but Christmas is a time for family {and my future family}].  I trust you are having a lovely Christmas season remembering the ultimate gift we received over two thousand years ago.  Joy and Peace to you.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

a week and a half left

This week is half over.  I don't know if that makes me happy for scared.  I have a week and a half to finish all work, take exams, and completely pack and clean my room....yikes.  Praise the Lord for working housing out for me to stay next semester where I will have a kitchen.  I am excited to continue to watch Him work in this situation.  I have been working on several end-of-the-semester projects, and this week has been focused mainly on my science teaching.  I am teaching a unit on simple machines to a class of twenty fourth graders.  A specific prayer request related to that would be that the Lord give me wisdom with classroom management.  I have two students who are constantly bickering and causing major distractions.  I have tried separating them, and they start it with the next.  We aren't even talking quiet distractions, these are yelling distractions calling all students' attention.  I don't want to give up on them, but they are not catching much of the lesson, and neither are their classmates because of these two.  I have had a lot of fun teaching though and while this week has been exhausting with it [and I was just telling Daniel today how ready I was for this to be done], I do realize my love for teaching when I am with the kids.  College has been wonderful and taught me so much, but I am ready to get out on the field and be with the precious children.

I still have two days left to this week, and am eager to see what I can get accomplished.  I have two big assignments due next week that will grab the majority of my attention, but I am ready to work hard on them, and then have them done.  I should be able to relax some over Christmas break, and I am so thankful.  My body this week, especially, has really felt the absolute exhaustion that college brings.  This semester has been exhausting emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  The countdown is six more class days, a study day, and three weekend days, and I am off for the semester.  All prayers appreciated.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Break was a wonderful time, but between the trip back down and the stresses of the remaining projects to do before the end of the semester, I no longer felt the rest and relaxation of break.  I went into it though knowing there were only three weeks.  That brought mixed feelings, for sure.

Here are a few pictures from break that I took.

My darling mother really struggles with keeping her eyes open for pictures, this is like our tenth try. 

 Scott was not thrilled to have me taking his picture.

 Be Mom made a pumpkin white chocolate cheese cake.

 Don't forget the football.

I finally feel "caught up" and like I can breathe again.  This weekend, there was a lot going on, on top of lots of work I really needed to get done.  The work went quicker then I expected, allowing me to get caught up and get a tiny bit ahead.  Wing decorations were this past weekend and my wing decorated with the theme "Over the River and Through the Woods" with a holler theme.  Here are some pictures from our wing.

For wing decorations, they open the dorms for everyone to view after the Christmas concert on Saturday night and on Sunday night.  We had lots of visitors.

Another thing I have been working on is my behavior system.  I did a movie theme and each student goes through a warning system depending on the color they have.  Like for example if they do something that needs it, I will tell them to "take a card" where they switch it to the next color, and each color has a different discipline.  I won't bog you down with all of the details.  But here are some pictures...
 So thankful for the helpful tools my sweet fiance has given throughout the years: a Cricut and laminator...both such huge elementary education helps.

Some fun happy news:

  • While on break, I went dress shopping with my mom and sister and I got my dress.
  • The other day while getting ready to leave an observation, two of the students began begging that I not leave and said "Miss Hewitt, please don't leave, you bring fun to this room".  I was touched both by their sentiment and their choice of words.
  • Today, my housing arrangements were finalized for next semester.  Praising the Lord and looking forward to seeing how He provides the details related.
Anyways...I am going to get back to work.  I have less then two weeks here before break, and lots to do.  Gotta get back to crossing things off the list.


I just wanted to offer my readers a quick explanation.  It has been a few weeks since I have posted because a] life has been busy, and b] because I had several fun pictures to upload and when I went to do it, I got a notification that I had used up all of my space.  Curpooey.  I could not figure out how to delete old pictures for the life of me.  Thankfully I have a super awesome and smart fiance who ever so nonchalantly suggested "try this...". works.

All that being said, if you go back to old posts, expect entries to talk about pictures that aren't actually there. It is not your mind going bad [though it could potentially be that too].  I am sorry I was unable to keep them there, but I was unwilling to pay money to put pictures on my blog, sorry folks.

So alas, there is an elaborate explanation for a simple problem you probably would not have even noticed, had I not said anything, haha.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

the end of break

I am sad to write that my break is just about over...I have less then 24 hours left.  Tomorrow I hit the road bright and early for a long day on the road...ugh.  My break has been swamped with everything, yet productive (not in all of the areas I would like for it to be productive though).  But because it has not been as productive as I have needed it to be, I am off to do some homework before grandparent visiting later on.  Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

the beginning of break

Daniel, JD, and I safely made it home about 5:30 on Saturday morning.  It had been a long night of driving/riding.  The only driving I did was from ABC to the airport to pick up Daniel.  He did all the driving.  I am thankful for how nicely it works out that I am not a huge fan of driving, and usually Daniel actually prefers driving.  I see some fun trips in our future.

Daniel was able to stay for a few days, which was wonderful.  I find myself learning more and more each time how very much I enjoy spending time with him, I think that is a good thing since we are getting married! Sunday after church we celebrated my Grandpa's birthday and had our whole family over, plus grandparents, and one of my uncles.  Such a wonderful time it was together.

On Monday, Daniel and I were swamped with running from place to place visiting people and running different errands.  I was exhausted by the end of the day.  Daniel left with Tim and Beth though, so I drove him to their home and spent a few extra minutes with that precious niece and nephew of ours.  They have grown so much since I last saw them, and I hate how much of their lives I miss.

Tuesday, my sister, Mom, and I had a fun girls day together shopping.  We enjoyed a yummy lunch together, and laughed SO much.  Thankfully, the shopping trip was a success!

Today has involved much cleaning and baking.  Mom has made two strawberry rhubarb pies, and I have made some homemade cranberry sauce.  We expect between 20-25 to be here tomorrow.  It should be a wonderful celebration here.

I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

almost there

Break is roughly fifteen hours away...but whose counting.  I find myself exhausted and yet refreshed at the same time.  This semester has been wearing me out and I am tired from that--physically, mentally, and emotionally.  At the same time though, I am refreshed because I look back on the semester and while it seems like I just started yesterday I see all that has been accomplished and learned.  There is one thing I have learned in college, and that is that I love to learn.  Learning is such an awesome privilege.

I have classes tomorrow morning, chapel, lunch and then I pack the car.  I hope to leave campus around 1 pm.  I will then go and pick Daniel up at the airport.  I am so thankful to him in his sacrifice of his weekend to help me drive and come to Vermont with me.  He is coming off of working a week of third shift out of town.  Proud of my man.  We drive for a few hours and then pick up a friend who goes to Liberty University but is riding a little north with her roommate.  After picking her up, we will have a few hours in the car before we pick up my sister's boyfriend.  We are finally on our last stretch of the trip.  We are hoping to be home around 4:30 am.

I am ready to be home with my sweet family.  I miss my family.  I miss laughs with my sister, and letting go and letting wild.  I miss conversations with my mom and time with her in the kitchen.  I miss welcoming my Dad home from work and hearing about his day.  I miss surprising him with some spectacular dinner waiting for him.  I miss Scott and how he picks on me in love, and can turn around and be a huge encouragement and challenge to me.  I miss Tim and his dear family.  Evan is growing up quickly and smiling.  I feel like I have missed so much of his life.  Annette is apparently putting her words together in more sentences.  I miss hearing "Bebby!!!".  I am ready to be home with my family, with my future family with me.  What a special few days that will be.  I am truly thankful for the family I have.

Tonight, I am sharing the devotional here on the wing.  I am excited at this opportunity and how the Lord so clearly laid on my heart exactly what He wanted me to share.  I am going to pull out my el ed hat tricks and read them a children's book, and then have them do art work and writing on a paint chip.  We are going to talk about the characteristic we want people to see when they see us.  Please be praying that I be invisible, but instead that it be Christ showing through me.

grace and peace to you.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

website #2...check!

I have completed my second website tonight.  This one is for my Teaching Social Studies class, where we create a website about West Virginia.  Here is the link...enjoy!

Friday, November 9, 2012

class website

I am still surviving and accomplishing lots.  I thank you for the prayers you may have said on my behalf this week after my plea for prayer earlier this week.  I have completed several big projects, and still have several ones to do.  One of my projects was in making a class website.  Obviously it is not all ready right now because I am without a class, but when I am student teaching, this website will be used.  Click here to view my class website!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

wonderful weekend leading into a hectic few weeks

I just finished a wonderful weekend with Daniel.  It was good to be with him.  He is such a blessing to me, and is so good at knowing just how to help me cope with the stress of this semester.  It has been extra special because here at school, we are having Mission's Conference.  Since we so clearly feel the call of overseas missions on our life, it was wonderful to sit through some of the sessions together and work through that together as a soon to be married couple.  Sadly though, he is on his way back to Charlotte now.

I am beginning to feel the reality of this semester being a trial-by-fire.  I thought the two hardest weeks were behind me, but I have been sorely mistaken.  I have some HUGE projects due before Thanksgiving break (a week and a half away) and a bunch due after (so much for break time being restful).  Prayers are very much needed and appreciated at this time.

I am thankful though for the support I have from so many who love and care for me.  I covet your prayers.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

books, books, and more books!

2820 pages later and I have finished my Elementary Literacy and Literature project.  I am sure people have heard my sigh of relief across the nation.  I enjoyed this project immensely, but it was extremely time consuming and a bit heart breaking at times!  I use the term heart braking because it is saddening to see the books that are considered "children's books" these days.  My mid 20-year-old friend read one of the Newbery books (the top children's book for its writing, one awarded each year) and it literally gave her nightmares, and she has some friends whose children had to read that book for elementary school.  The demonic theme that permeates so many of the books is sickening.  This has opened my eyes though as a future teacher and future mom to make sure I am reading the books before my children do.  I am not saying to keep any and all books with any negative element away from them, but to be aware so that I can discuss it with my student/child and teach them how to be wise in what they read.  Each and every day this semester I am learning just what a huge responsibility it is to be a teacher.  I appreciate any and all prayers!

I do not write this though to harp on all of the bad books out there.  There were more good books that I read through this project, then bad ones.  So keep reading, and keep encouraging your students to read.  Reading has so many benefits!  This project has increased my book want list exponentially.  My list is ever growing.

I hope some day when I am homeschooling my children, that I have people in the current educational world sharing hints and new things with me, so I want to take a few minutes to tell you teachers and moms out there a few books I found through this project that I would suggest.  So here it goes...

by: Philip Stead
This book won the Caldecott Award (for illustrations) and is a fun story on friendship

by: Norton Juster
This book brings me back to my Grandparents' houses and how it felt magical to be in their home.

by: David Wiesner
This is a wordless book that goes through the life of a camera that people would take a picture with and throw back in the sea for a new person to find.

by: Julie Danneberg
This may be my all time favorite book from this experience.  Sarah is all nervous about her first day at a new school, and as she introduces herself to the class, the reader is surprised to learn that she is in fact the teacher, not a student.

by: Jerry Pinkney
This book is a sweet book on friendship where they help each other as an act of kindness.

by: Mary Pope Osborne
For the older (5th-6th grade) students, this is a good book on mythology that doesn't get in the tedious depth that most do.  It has a little bit of gore in one part.

by: N.T. Raymond
What I liked about this book was that it allows children to enjoy Spider Man but this book is abbreviated from the movie eliminating most of the evil aspects and emphasizing how when he was bad, he didn't like it and had to give up power and strength to be good again but knew it was the right decision.

by: Valerie Tripp
This book provides history of the Great Depression while following the desire Ruthie has to help out her friend Kit in saving their home from being evicted.

by: Jennifer Berne
The story of Jacques Cousteau and his desire to explore the underwater world, leading him to the invention of scuba diving.

by: Cynthia Rylant
A sweet story of the adjustment of growing up and having to leave your precious doll friend at home while you go to school.

by: Linda Sue Park
Great book for the older elementary children.  It is about a homeless boy and the lessons he learns while working for a master potter.

Anyways, there are a few suggestions for now.  I hope this helps you or gives you a start if you are headed to the library, or wanting to build a library of your own.  Remember to know what your children are reading, and make it fun for them.  We want to build a love for reading among our children (and I as a teacher am still working on that for myself).

My homework is complete, and I am now ready for a fun packed weekend with my fiance and his parents and grandparents.  I hope you all have a restful weekend!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

I have been being contacted a lot in the last 24 hours asking if we are okay.  The answer is, yes!  In fact, we are doing very well!  We have been hit with snow instead of rain.  We have had a fair bit of wind, but nothing that has damaged, at least not here on campus.  We even still have our power (though it does flicker once in a while).  I am trying to use this day effectively where I have no classes (because I never do on Tuesdays), and get a lot of homework done.  At the beginning of the week I had over 750 pages to read.  Thankfully I am making great progress.  Anyways though, I wanted to post some pictures to prove that we do indeed have snow!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

200 days!

In 200 days, I get to marry my best friend!  He was up this past weekend when we celebrated a quarter of our engagement time being up.  It feels like it is going slowly, but in another sense it is flying by.  We are trying to focus on enjoying engagement and not trying to rush it so much that we let this phase of life pass us by.  Do remember that we have a wedding website (there is also a link to it at the top of the blog page).  We are continually editing and updating this, so check back often...and please sign our guestbook!  If you are planning on being able to be in attendance at the wedding, we encourage you to send us an email ( so we can be planning accordingly.  I am finding myself constantly amazed with the fact that I am getting married, and to one far more amazing then I ever could have dreamed up.  I am truly blessed beyond what words can describe.

As much as I would love to fully devote all of my attention to marriage planning, I am still a student and therefore must focus also on my academics.  As mentioned in the earlier post, Monday was a big day!  Monday is now behind me and I finished all that needed to be completed.  What a wonderful feeling to have it all behind me.  October proves to continue to be a hectic month, with it slowing down just a little bit in November, and then a little more in December.  We are currently in midterm season, so we are doing lots of studying!  I am taking a midterm exam for Classroom Management this afternoon.  This has been my favorite class thus far this semester because of its practicality.  I am overwhelmed though by the responsibility that I will have as a teacher.

Please continue to pray for my student teaching placements.  There is a possibility right now for my placement, but there are still some "ifs" in the air to get worked out first.  I am anxious, excited, and in disbelief that I am old enough to be a senior in college doing my student teaching in three months!

Also, I am working on my Fall 2012 prayer letter.  If you are interested in receiving this, please either comment on this blog post with your email address, or send me an email stating that you would like me to email you a copy.

Well folks, that all for now.  Have a lovely day living it for the Lord!

Friday, October 19, 2012

the weekend has arrived

I am so thankful that the weekend has arrived!  It has been a busy week.  A good week though because my week started with my sweet fiance being here.  We so enjoyed our few days together.  I had heard of Sandstone Falls, but was not sure where it was besides the town.  We took on the adventure and were able to find it.  It is in the middle of no where, and looks like nothing much from the road, but once you get in it, it is beautiful!  There is a boardwalk that takes you out by the falls.  We had it working for us too that we went during the autumn's peak.  It was gorgeous.  We decided to add to the memories of the day by following the GPS rather then getting out the way we came in.  It took us on a steep, windy dirt road that could be easily mistaken as a dry river bed.  We laughed and had a lot of fun together.  Sadly, he had to leave Tuesday evening for his "Monday" on Wednesday.

The rest of this week has been hectic busy with academics.  Along with academic craziness, I am house sitting for a dear couple from my church.  It has been so enjoyable to be in a real home!  I am going to try to make this weekend as worth while as possible though.  I have another crazy busy week ahead of me.  I have a lesson plan due on Monday, as well as teaching a science lesson on Monday.  I have a take-home (which means it will take MUCH longer then the three hours we would have in class) mid-term due on Monday.  Truth be told, beyond Monday, I am not overly sure what is due.  I am trying to focus on the here and now.

Thanks for checking in and taking interest in reading my posts.  I wouldn't object to your praying for me, or any phone calls or letters from you!  Have a blessed weekend.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

brother is here!

I have so enjoyed having my eldest brother here since Thursday night.  He came in for homecoming!  Visitors are always welcomed.  It has been so nice having the familiar home face here with me to spend time.  It is nice because being a senior I have been included on several of the homecoming activities.  Last night, Scott was my date to the Homecoming banquet.  Please be praying as he starts heading back home today.

(sorry about the red eye)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

you think you are going through a trial?

Most of us would say that if we are not currently going through a trial, we have at some point in our lives.  Chapel today was amazing.  I highly encourage you to listen to Mr. Ken Shiflet's message.

it's beginning to look a lot like my future!

College life is very rapidly picking up its pace.  I find myself a bit overwhelmed with all that is due this week, and in the week's to come.  I do have the comfort in knowing "somehow, it gets done".  My mind has been very active on the different things going in my life such as the projects due, observations I am doing, engagement enjoying, wedding planning, and recently an amazing time in the Word!  God has been teaching me and convicting me in so many ways.  I haven't written much on it (one factor, because of time) because I simply do not know how to put it into words.  I got up early this morning to finish my science lesson plan (there is something very unrealistic about a seven page lesson plan), and now have a busy day scheduled in order to get the most possible accomplished.  I am eagerly anticipating two visitors within the next two weeks and am trying to get my work done ahead of time, so that I can enjoy their presence.

All that to say, I am still among the living, and loving life!  Hope you all have a lovely day.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wedding Website

For those of you who are interested, Daniel and I have a wedding website.  You can find it at...!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

random happenings

The weekend has been wonderful...and productive!  I have gotten a bunch of homework done, which is so helpful (considering the special visitor I have coming tomorrow).  This evening has been a little more relaxed homework wise but I have done some much needed laundry.  The biggest need was my sheets and towels.  I will say though that I love doing laundry!

 Notice my bed is even made with the new sheets, and all of my clothes are folded.  The hardest part is still to come in putting them away though.

Here are just some other random pictures from the beginning of the week with my sweet fiance.  While together, we worked on some registering.  Thankfully (unlike our engagement), we remembered to document this fun occasion.
 (This picture is Daniel's Mom's that I am stealing for my blog)  Daniel's parents treated us to Japenese steak house as a celebration of our engagement.  I had never been to one before, but I do hope to go to one again.  It was such fun!

 Here are a few funny pictures from our engagement pictures.  I get a kick out of our faces every time.  I wish I could remember what was being said in these pictures.

Well, let those last two pictures end this post with a smile!